Capcom ripe for a takeover

It seems Capcom is ripe for a takeover and Konami wants to desperately merge with someone.


I don’t know what to think really.All I know is that I’m gonna start a company specialized in middleware solutions…that’s what everyone seems to need right now.

Well goodluck on your new venture!

I can’t imagine what kind of a horrendous name they’d come up with for a merged Capcom and Konami. Konapcom? Capconami? Who knows. Though I suppose it would be interesting to see just what the combined efforts of these two companies could produce, in terms of long running series such as Mega Man and Castlevania.

It would certainly cause problems for the people who make “The Decline of Video Gaming” series on newgrounds. Square-Enix would be left with a fused character as his only associate.