Can you see Sega being bigger than Square in RPGs?

You talked about Divine Dragon in the 3rd person so it got me confused.

Wow, you really have it out for me or something. Hahaha. Feel free to let me in on what insult I used against you. I’m actually curious.

But how do we know if Sega didn’t have this in mind all along anyway?
We the fans are the last to know whats coming until the game is ready.
Most of the games that were getting now were planned either three or two years ahead.Maybe the plan was to introduce an introductionary version of
SHINING FORCE and then release the traditional version down the line. And
NEO is definately introductionary in terms of gameplay and plot.

Sega in regarding to SHINING FORCE has only got the franchise rolling again. To do this they will need the fans that have already poured money into the franchise already. They were always going to continue the SRPG
format of the game but they decided to get new fans on board as well which is where NEO comes in. The SHINING FORCE series will be worth a hill of beans if the original fanbase is not behind it. Which is why I suspect that this imminent announcement concerning several future SHINING FORCE games is about to appear as Sega realises that the original fanbase is not about to wait anymore and needs to get them on side again by putting their minds at ease(In other words the all important japanese fanbase has been complaining as well as the put upon western fanbase)


Wow, you really have it out for me or something. Hahaha. Feel free to let me in on what insult I used against you. I’m actually curious.[/quote]

If your the same Parn in the SFC then you already know why. And as i do geniunely disagreed with what you said I could have put it diplomatically.
But i don’t have a vendetta against you or anything as no one is that important unless they killed my whole family.



No fucking way.[/quote]


Whatever, I’ve played some pretty good games by Square, a few to mention are : Xenogears, Vagrant Story, and Einhander.

But those are all PS1 games, and the teams that made Xenogears and Einhander have left Square in the dust because of their ideals in the mainstream.

The only game I’m interested into by Square is FFXII, and it’s only because the same people that made Vagrant Story are working on it.

Hey I liked Chrono Trigger and FF7 myself.

Yep, I’m one and the same. And no, I don’t. I want the exact quote. I want to know what insult I threw at you.

Continue living in your fantasy world Parn. I can’t be bothered with you. Ignore list from now on.

[quote=“U K Narayan”]


No fucking way.


Yeah. Funny. Do you know what’s also funny? An obscure arcade company
taking on the might of the biggest home video game system producer in North America and won.

Yeah the same obscure company who even made a mascot that somehow ended up becoming more popular then their rivals more estabilshed character.

Or is it even funnier that an electronics company managed to beat it’s more experienced rivals at their own game?

So the fact that people think it’s implausible that Sega could n’t at least give
Square a run for it’s money let alone beat them at being a great RPG producer ,I find laughable and implausible given their history.

Given their history? Given their history Sega USED to be GREAT. But history is history, and that’s all it ever will be.

The events you’re talking about happened quite some time ago, could you picture Sega doing those exact same feats today? I didn’t think so. :anjou_sigh:

Talk about missing the point. The fact is that they DID acheive those feats.
Who’s to say that they cannot acheive them again? I can see them getting
big again potentially which is what i’ve been stating all along.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]I can see them getting
big again potentially which is what i’ve been stating all along.[/quote]


Man… I want to live in the real world, where Sega makes nothing but perfect games. I am so sad now.

If Sega was somehow able to restore itself to its former glory, there’s no doubt in my mind that it would become a force to be reckoned with. As much as I thoroughly despise what Shining Force Neo has become, it actually looks quite stunning, even if the gameplay leaves something to be desired. It may even turn out to be one of the best examples of its genre…

Sega’s last hope comes in the form of Phantasy Star Universe in my humble opinion. If it succeeds where other RPGs have failed, then it has the potential to put Sega back on the map again.

I’m curious as to what the chances are of Sega compiling Dragon Force 1 and 2 on a single disk for American and European audiences. Is anyone holding onto any hope of this happening? Such a package would make a nice gift to hardcore Sega fans. Sega translated the God-awful Virtua Quest, so what’s stopping Sega from giving Dragon Force 1 and 2 the translation treatment too?

After suffering at the hands of one disappointment from Sega after another, I’m tempted to stick with PC games for the forseeable future. Vampire: The Masquarade - Bloodlines has suddenly caught my attention again for some inexplicable reason.

What the next Sega RPG needs isn’t great gameplay : it’s a good plot.With all due respect both the PS and SF universes are full of clich?s.Yes partly because they are old licenses.

Let’s just wait and see. By this time next year Sega’s RPG endeavors should be more open to scrutiny.

All Sega really has at the moment is the potential to make something truly grand in terms of both gameplay and sales. All our hopes are currently riding on PSU. If the as yet unnamed Shining Force games Sega has planned aren’t true to their roots, then they can go to hell.

I totally disagree. I play games to game, not get some rehashed “deep storyline” which amounts to a group of characters being the way they are because some random event happened a decade prior to the present time period in the RPG, which somehow manages to mold their entire personality. Somehow, taking a trip down memory lane “into the character’s mind” and then fighting some boss resolves that character’s problems and suddenly everything’s peachy keen. Or in scenario B’s case, random nonsensical religious references and overuse of acronyms somehow amounts to a “deep storyline” (see: Xenosaga).

Storyline should never, ever take a seat behind gameplay. You get stuff like Xenosaga in the end, where the gameplay ends up getting in the way of the storyline. Better off with a movie, or a book.

Sorry, I misread what you said. Gameplay is the foundation of a video game, it should play the largest role regardless of the genre.

i’d say the exact opposite, storyline should always be second to gameplay. i mean, xenosaga wasn’t crap because it had a bad storyline, it was crap because it had a bad EVERYTHING.

Pardon? How was that game crap? Was it too cinematic for you?