Calling all Panzer artists!

Hi, I understand that I’m new here, and that I probably have no right to ask of this on my first post, but is anyone willing to complete a 5 page Panzer comic strip for Sonic The Comic- Online (STC-O)?

It’s the “unofficial official” UK Sonic comic now, since the print version stopped, and I proposed a Panzer strip to feature, based mainly around Lagi and Lundi, and Lagi’s first battle in Cainus as seen in Panzer Dragoon Zwei. The script is complete, with some artist feedback welcomed.

I ask here as offered by your own Robert Frazer, and I hope that someone is willing to help. I cannot afford to pay you (mind you, non of the artists for STC are).

If anyone is interested, PM me, send me an email or whatever with a sample of work.

Thanks in advance.