
I have a doubt about Gash since I played Saga for the first time…

Where is Gash from?Is Cainus his village of birth?If so then it’s not a Seeker village right?Seekers are guy with no home…

I mean it seems that Gash only become a seeker after he finds Cainus destroyed…

Gash said he was the Seeker leader before Cainus was destroyed. He does refer to Cainus as the location of “his people” however. Maybe there was a Seeker base hidden within the village?

But doesn’t he say something like :“I was bron there” or “This is my village”.Was he born there?

Gash is a mystery…

Gash wasn’t from Cainus afai can tell, and he was the leader of the Seekers all through PDS. ‘Shadow Eye’ is the title given to the leader remember? And when we first meet him he says he is ‘Shadow Eye’ Gash.

W00t!Shadow I know that he’s the leader of seeker -_-

That’s the whole point of my wuestion…

…if he’s their leader since the begining (which he ain’t cause he said in CD4 “I’m the seeker’s new leader”) that makes it more misty…

hmmmm… you’re right… I smell a translation muck up.

“New leader” can imply a recent change from within a year or many years. The Seekers think long term, so a five year old leader could be relatively new.

I think Gash said he was the new leader to suggest Lundi died. I’d still like to know what happened to both of them.

The Seekers think long term, so a five year old leader could be relatively new

Where the what did you get that piece of info?!:stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]The Seekers think long term, so a five year old leader could be relatively new

Where the what did you get that piece of info?!:P[/quote]

I get the impression they are a pretty patient group of people unlike their more militaristic counterparts, the Imperials.

I don’t mean no disrespect but you do’t have proofs!

Its not always about proof.

Well you must base on something…

You don’t talk to Geoffrey much do you? Its all about using your imagination where there is no proof.

There is proof.

Gash was willing to wait another 30 years to destroy Sestren. That shows he was thinking long term. If Edge hadn’t decided to go then, he would have done so.

If you really wanna talk serious that is no good evidence…

One people (even a leader) doesn’t stand for a whole set of people…

…IMO anyway…

I find it amusing that we discuss the most trivial of things =)

That’s true, but the point is it was Gash who claimed to be the Seeker’s new leader. His words. And the impression is given from the Seeker’s motives that they do work long term (they have existed for hundreds of years).

There are many details that still have not been discussed yet. Somewhere amoungst them, hints of truth may be found if looked into with enough depth.