Buying OST's

Ok, i can find them on eBay sometimes, but hardly ever “new” ones.
I would pay quite a lot for new ones…

Anyone know where can i get any of these? The actual albums i mean, like online stores

MSR OST (Metropolis Street Racer)
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2

i looked at and but no luck…

Thank you for looking

Unfortunately, all of these soundtracks are out of print. No mainstream CD retailer carries these.

Which PDS album do you refer to, by the way? There are three.

As far as the NiGHTS OST is concerned, that’s by far the hardest to get of the ones you listed. Just FYI before you fork out any money for the CD: I own it, and I’m actually annoyed with it because all the stage music is done by cheap MIDI synthesizers which sounds completely inferior to the Sega Saturn’s MIDI via Cybersound software. The only songs untouched are the boss themes, a handful of other miscellaneous songs (all of these are playable off the game CD to begin with), and the full NiGHTS orchestrated theme that you get a taste of from the Christmas NiGHTS title screen in “normal mode” without all the winter/Christmas inspired stuff. I was really disappointed that Sega released an official OST with Casio-keyboard inspired songs. It reminds me much of Lunar: The Silver Star Story’s soundtrack, a really great musical score ruined by bad implementation.

Back to the topic at hand, Ebay is your only route at this point.

Scott, I am away to hunt high and low for you. :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Scott”]Ok, i can find them on eBay sometimes, but hardly ever “new” ones.
I would pay quite a lot for new ones…[/quote]

I think you’d be very lucky. The Azel Complete Album which I got is in brilliant condition, but new ones would be like gold dust, I think. Having said that, I think the PDZ soundtrack which I’ve ordered is new, although I can’t be sure.

Darn! That’s not good. Anyway, the level music changes numerous times depending on the mood of the Nightopians, so to put every possible combination into the soundtrack would be nigh-on impossible!

I can’t believe they used a different synthesizer for the actual soundtrack! I just realised what you mean right now. That’s a bit odd, huh? And also very annoying for anyone who shelled out for the CD. :anjou_disappointment:

Anyway Scott, try Froogle. It found my copy of the Complete Album for me, hiding under a bizarrely misleading title at eBay. I think that’s the reason that you never found it when you were looking at eBay around that time!

When I was on holiday during the summer, I went into an ‘it games’ shop to have a look around.
The had Saturn games! yay! Tis where I got Guardian Heroes and Virtual On.

But anyways. They also had Japanese versions of games such as Nights and Shining force III (scenario 3 I believe). But hidden away beside the Mario Paint I could spy some OST’s for Saturn. Unfortunatly I was flat broke from buying the two Saturn games before hand but from what I could see they did have a selection.
They do have a website but I forget what it is…I’ll go search my room for the bag so I can find it. Perhaps they’ll have some there.

Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 I’ve seen on Amazon a few times. Again, the problem of being flat broke came into play and stopped me from buying them :anjou_disappointment:

cool thank you all
yeah they are out of print sadly =(
I downloaded the NiGHTS OST from sega Xtreme and it wasn’t that bad? At least, it didn’t seem that inferior.
I would love someway to get all of christmas NiGHTS’s melody box on my comp =)

But yeah, thanks parn, i’ll keep my eBay watch open

Also, thanks for the froogle advice ancient, and yeah, all these OST’s are rare… they’ll get rarer the longer i leave it too!

And beserker, find that url :wink:
and sonic adventure OST’s on amazon?? I’ll have to check that out!

Me too. I was thinking of connecting an audio cable from my TV to my computer out of desperation to record the NiGHTS soundtrack… :anjou_embarassed: Although it would be more logical to make a cable which connects directly from the Saturn’s sound output into a PC, but my (lack of) tech knowledge wouldn’t let that happen without a hitch!

Hey, glad if I can help.

I was thinking of putting up downloads of the Complete Album on my site, or giving the files to SegaXtreme, but then again their current MP3s are of a high enough quality that it may well not be worth it.

Anyway, hope you find at least some of the soundtracks you’re looking for! :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Scott”]Ok, i can find them on eBay sometimes, but hardly ever “new” ones.
I would pay quite a lot for new ones…

Anyone know where can i get any of these? The actual albums i mean, like online stores

MSR OST (Metropolis Street Racer)
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2

i looked at and but no luck…

Thank you for looking[/quote]

Here’s Sonic Adventure 2 for you:

Says ‘US’ next to the name…not sure how much difference this will make but here you are all the same.