Bit more info on Panzer Dragoon Remake

forgets how to do tags properly

“Please tell us about the hidden Pandoras Box mode”

-Just to summarize, he mentions being able to save replay data, an illustrations gallery (you can see it on the screenshot), the original “readme.doc” being available to read again (I believe- it’s early :anjou_wow: ), and how dumb it was to leave saving out of the original PD.

Final question "Do you have a message for the many people wishing to see a Sega Ages remake of PDZwei and Azel?

Summary: He’d love to do it, thinks Zwei is the best PD, and thanks all the fans for loving Panzer Dragoon.

Is that new artwork in the background there?

He’s the man :anjou_love:

Kimimi wrote:-Just to summarize, he mentions being able to save replay data, an illustrations gallery (you can see it on the screenshot), the original “readme.doc” being available to read again (I believe- it’s early ), and how dumb it was to leave saving out of the original PD.

Who is “he”?

I still haven’t pre-ordered this.

Sorry - “he” is Kondou Tomohiro, director of Panzer Dragoon :anjou_happy:


Is that new artwork in the background there?[/quote]

No its from the full size poster Instructions that came with the Japanese version of Panzer Dragoon onthe Saturn

Thanks for translating that Kimimi. :anjou_happy:

It would indeed be worthwhile if PD Zwei was redone. I’d like to see that much more than this PS2 version of the original game.

Here’s a few:



Thanks for the tagging tips - I always forget when I need to do it :slight_smile:

I ordered PD a few days ago, so it should turn up early next week. I couldn’t justify paying the extra for the Super DX pack, but it did mean that instead of buying PD + extras, I got PD + other games, which is much better!


No its from the full size poster Instructions that came with the Japanese version of Panzer Dragoon onthe Saturn<<[/quote]

I have that poster- I should finally scan the darned thing in …

I feel I haven’t experienced a fulcral part of life by never having a poster on my bedroom.Of course if I were to have one it would be a PD one (ps:thanks lordcraymen :P)…I am now 19 years old and I feel it might be a bit wrong getting a wallpaper…I am to live an empty life :’(

I hope this is released in Britain I would certainly buy it.

Hopefully they will re release the other PD games too.