Beyond Good and Evl 2!Confirmed!Trailer inside … 39816.html

A girl from another forum I post on kindly authorized me to quote her translation of the article for your viewing pleasure :

[quote]In an interview given to our colleagues of JeuxVideo Magazine, Michel Ancel (Rayman’s dad) has declared Beyond Good & Evil 2 is actually in preproduction stage. Considered as one of the best 2003 games, unfortunately Beyond Good & Evil has never had the commercial success anticipated.

“I’m working on Beyond Good & Evil 2. We are in preproduction since one year, and we are making a work of search in small committee. But for the moment, it’s an outline stage, Ubisoft didn’t give its approval yet” has specified Ancel during the interview. Behind the scenes he announces there are 10 to 12 persons who are working on the project.

“We want to be in the continuity of the first one : a big variety in the game phases, a lot of emotions in the gameplay and some engaging characters. This time we approach the future of the planet, the connection to the animals …]”.

Promising, isn’t it ? In any case, we hope the french publisher will give its approval quickly. And, why not, an announcement at the event UbiDays ?

Source : JeuxVideo Magazine (issue n?91).[/quote]


EDIT: Oops, will a mod please move this to the gaming forum please?

EDIT: Trailer -

Haha, I was just about to post about this.

Good news, I have hope that Ubisoft will green light it.

They should release the original as an Xbox downloadable game for 360.



Finally! I’m hoping for a huge multi-platform release, just like last time. I traded in my 360, so a PS2 or Wii release would be ideal for me (so hopefully it will end up on one of those two!).

I’m so excited! :slight_smile: BGE was easily the greatest game of the entire previous generation! :anjou_love:

[quote=“Alucard von Elru”]:anjou_love: :anjou_love:
BGE was easily the greatest game of the entire previous generation! :anjou_love:[/quote]

I wouldn’t go that far :anjou_happy: , but it certainly was amazing!!

Ooh, this could inspire me to buy a current console…

Certainly good news that they’re hoping to make a new one, but I’m reserving my excitement until after I hear news that Ubisoft has actually green-lit the project :stuck_out_tongue: Until then, nothing is for certain.

Fingers crossed!

Awesome! -!

Awesome indeed. The trailer certainly looks impressive, and it seems to indicate the game will look more realistic now. The planets in the background also seem to hint that they’re no longer on Hyllis.

Nicely spotted. Yeah, makes sense.

As for the graphics, Pey’j seems to retain much of his cartooniness. His expressions when rolling his eyes as he sucks the fly is priceless! XD

Haha, cute.

Very reminiscent of the “Mushroom Hunting” episode of Cowboy Bebop :slight_smile:

Yeah I thought as much. I was like “Where the heck is the water?”

But this looks awesome. I hope Ubisoft approves it.

The trailer didn’t do much for me, but I’m reserving full judgement until I see something more substantial. Trying to keep the faith, basically. :stuck_out_tongue:

The teaser is not that great but I am pretty sure it is not a full reflection of the game. I am excited!