Best SEGA games ever

Yeah… i believe we discussed this too =P

Clever Arcie. Considering that this entire forum is a Sega and PD fanboy nest, I see no reason for this topic to exist.

In any case here are my favorite Sega games:

Panzer Dragoon Orta
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Virtua Fighter 4 & Evolution
Sonic Adventure
Shining the Holy Ark
Super Monkey Ball 2
Jet Grind Radio
Samba de Amigo
Skies of Arcadia
Dragon Force

Does anyone remember Vector Man for the Genesis, I thought that game was awesome.

While I don’t know the game itself, I do know that it recently got Game of the Week over at SegaXtreme:

Anyway, as to the best games - I’d like to offer my opinions but my gaming experience is very limited so I’ll just mention the usual mainstream ones like Sonic, NiGHTS and the Panzer Dragoon series for the Saturn (I have yet to play Orta). :anjou_happy:

I do hope to get into Saturn games a bit more once I have the means, and I also want to get an XBox; mainly to play Orta, but it will probably be my introduction into proper gaming.

Vectorman is amazing. Even had this shiny package, I’m surprised Sega made the effort so late.

It looked better than some early 2D Saturn games…Had some awesome boss stages.

It’s sequel never really interested me though. I played the first 2 levels but got bored.

[quote=“Drizzt’s Syn”]I didn’t even bother with Heroes. Played the PC demo and I had enough.
What purpose did they serve in the game?[/quote]

Yeah to grab Chaos Emeralds, which is high frustrating due to having to catch up with the damn thing.
You’ll slowly find yourself climbing up the walls and then getting stopped just before you reach it…

You know the Super Sonic char. on SA1? And how it got added if you did it with all the chars.? Well same aspect, you get to play the ‘Final stage’ if you get all the emeralds. Not saying what happens though…let you all suffer your way there. I’ve completed it…did it shortly after I got the game

[quote=“Drizzt’s Syn”]Vectorman is amazing. Even had this shiny package, I’m surprised Sega made the effort so late.

It looked better than some early 2D Saturn games…Had some awesome boss stages.

It’s sequel never really interested me though. I played the first 2 levels but got bored.[/quote]

Sequel was just more of the same, watered down. It was released so late in the Genesis life span that I don’t blame them, what I do think Sega should’ve done is create a Vectorman 3 for Saturn, or Dreamcast or whatever and keep the 2D roots, having uber high res graphics. That would be cool.

Yeah, Vectorman, I had forgotten about the game. It was lots of fun, and the concept seemed quite refreshing too.

I wonder what a Vectorman first person shooter would be like?

They could take a hint or two from Retro Studios and Metroid Prime and make it like that with visor and weapon upgrades, just make it more fast paced.