Azel's purpose for creating Orta

I’ve been thinking about it for awhile, and I’ve come to the conclusion that Azel created Orta, not because she was a master key to the all of the Ancient technologies on the planet, but because she was meant to have children which would, in turn, also inherit Orta’s abilities to control the Ancient technology and take control of their own futures. This is what was meant by Gash’s statement in memery cell 3: “She is the seed of our future.” Seed, meaning ‘era of new humans’.

Azel must have realized that simply shutting down the Towers and Sestren Exsis was not enough to stop the Will of the Ancients. She must have also realized that humans were on a self-destructive path, and would eventually bring the worst case scenarios upon themselves and end all life on the planet - the very thing the Ancients feared from the start. The only solution to this problem would be to take control of the Ancient technology and restore the planet to a paradise the Ancients originally envisioned. However, the primitive humans currently on the planet could not activate any of the Ancient technology on their own (i.e The Towers, Sestren, and the Cradle),…and drones could not activate any of the Ancient technology unless they were required to do so due to the Will of the Ancients. So, Azel decided to create Orta…who would be both human, and drone…this marriage of species would enable both races to obtain their desires; the human/drone hybrids would be able to use the Ancient technology at their command, possess free will, and have the ability to reproduce.

Orta was not designed to save the human race or to save the limited drone population - instead, she was created to REPLACE them.

yeah, that seems logical but i also think azel created orta on a whim. i think part of azel’s motivation was her fondness for edge AS WELL AS her dedication to craymen’s plan.

we still don’t really know the details to orta’s reproductive capabilities and knowing those deatils is essential to figuring out her mystery and purpose. for the way she was locked up in yelico canyon, perhaps there was somekind of betrayal on gash’s seeker clan. or perhaps another seeker clan learned of orta’s power and seized her from them?

a merger between humankind and bio-monster/dronekind might be the only way to resolve the conflict of the planet.

It’s certainly an interesting idea.

The problem I see is that there’s not really any information in the games that suggests Azel would have wanted to restore the world to any ‘paradise’ that the Ancients had envisioned. In Panzer Dragoon Saga, Azel said:

“…I’m not risking my life because it was my duty
thousands of years ago. What Craymen believed,
and what these men say…
I don’t know which is true.
That is why, Edge…
I want you there with me…
When we find the truth about Sestren.”

The above quote suggests that she wanted to help Edge out, and defeat Sestren because of her own free will, rather than a choice that the Ancients would have wanted her to make. So, when she created Orta, it would make sense if that was her desision as well. Unlike Abadd, who still sought to carry out the will of his masters after he had discovered that he could not bring them back.

Azel didn’t appear to want to the Ancients’ creations to be in control of the Ancient technology; she knew the dangers of it and wanted the Tower to be destroyed as much as the Seekers did. In one of the conversations at the campsite, Azel tells Edge that it was “all her fault” that the Tower was awakened, implying that she didn’t want to world to be controlled by the Ancient technology.

The idea definately has some potential, it just seems out of character for Azel to want to try and save the world in such a way.

I think that Azel simply wanted to give a meaning to her life. As we hear in the message she left for Orta, she wanted to know why she had been brought into this world. Orta was her answer. Drones had never trully had free will, they had always been slaves. Azel was the first to really make her own decisions, so she chose to pass on that free will, as a symbol that drones no longer had to be slaves.

That’s also why I’m convinced that Azel didn’t have any particular destiny in mind for Orta. She may have the power to change the world, but she doesn’t have to.

It’s a nice theory; if Azel really did intend for Orta and her descendents to replace the current human race though, I can’t help thinking that she’d be acting quite out of character. As Solo said, Azel didn’t seem to have much respect for the Ancients’ ideals, while she seemed to have serious sympathy for the human race by the end of PDS: enough sympathy to help Edge save humankind from Sestren and the Ancients’ will. It would seem odd for Azel to change her mind so greatly.

I suspect that Smilebit left Orta’s true potential so vague to allow themselves greater freedom with future storylines. Orta was surely made to preserve some trance of Edge, who Azel had lost, but it seems hard to say whether or not Orta really did have any special powers, or special purpose; the couple of hints we’ve been given could be interpreted in different ways…

So you don’t agree with my theory that Orta is a master key to all the ancient technology itching to unlock the power of ancient weapons of unimaginable destruction?

I like D-Unit’s theory of Orta, a half-drone, bridging the gap between humanity and the remaining drones on the planet. Both groups of people have suffered at the hands of the ancients.

However, I am certain that Orta is destined for great things. Why else would Gash protect her “at all costs”? Why was Abadd so convinced that she could somehow save “this dying world from itself”? The game built up her character to be someone of future importance no matter how you look at it.

I make no secret of my hatred for individuals who hold the fate of the world in the palm of their hands. That’s why I dislike Orta as a protagonist – she simply has too much power. The next game needs something to balance the scales. Personally, I’d love to see the Empire actually learn how to tame a real Ancient Age dragon…

I don’t think it’s too out of character, considering Craymen, himself, said, “humans are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over again”. The only way out of this, that I can see, is extinction of the human race - if they’re dead, they can’t continue making the same mistakes as their ancestors did. Though I am not certain that Azel is thinking with this type of logic, she certainly is bitter to some extent, and she gives it away with the phrase, “Why are we born in this wretched world?”.

As for the other arguments about how Azel detested Ancient technology…that’s not true either. She simply did not agree that the Ancient technology should be used to enslave all life on the planet. The technology, itself, should be the servant, and the humans/drones it’s masters; not the other way around. Unfortunately, humans were too irresponsible and power hungry to handle the technology, and the drones were bound by the Will of the Ancients, so they could not use the technology the way they wanted anyway. Both sides were slaves to a system they had no control over…and her ‘only answer’ to free the world from such tyranny was the creation of Orta. That does not mean that Orta will comply with her destiny…many of us, me included, think that she will turn evil due to her current perception of the world and her bitterness for being imprisoned most of her known childhood. In any case, it has the potential for some really good storytelling.

No, Orta definitely is a master key to ALL of the Ancient technologies…she just isn’t meant to handle them alone. However, it is my belief that the control of the Ancient technology is the destiny of her descendants…not herself. I believe her PRIORITY is to reproduce and REPLACE the current humans, so that future ‘transhumans’ have control over all of the technology…thus, again, becoming the masters of their fate…and not being a slave to it.

Replace humans? Never! Not if the Empire has any say in the matter!

Wouldn’t Orta be doing exactly what Abadd wanted to do, though, if that were the case?

I wouldn’t think it was as clear-cut as that - what makes you so convinced? The two or three quotes from the script that imply Orta has a special destiny in store seem very vague. The “master key” theory would certainly make sense, especially if Orta’s design was largely in Azel’s hands (as Azel would presumably make her child as powerful as she could), but the truth seems far from conclusive…

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Replace humans? Never! Not if the Empire has any say in the matter!

Wouldn’t Orta be doing exactly what Abadd wanted to do, though, if that were the case?[/quote]

Not necessarily…there’s a difference between murdering all of the humans (Which is what Abadd wanted), and simply letting them eventually die out through natural selection. Certainly, natural selection is the lesser of the two evils.

[quote=“Lance Way”]
I wouldn’t think it was as clear-cut as that - what makes you so convinced? The two or three quotes from the script that imply Orta has a special destiny in store seem very vague. The “master key” theory would certainly make sense, especially if Orta’s design was largely in Azel’s hands (as Azel would presumably make her child as powerful as she could), but the truth seems far from conclusive…[/quote]

Before you can answer that, one must ask what was the purpose of the drones? The drones were created as ‘servants’ to the Ancients - they were both the operators of the Ancient technology, and they were also the ones who fought the Ancients’ wars…however, they were never given the ability to reproduce due to the fear that their creations would eventually turn against them.

In Mission 6, Abadd talks about Flora and Fauna, and how drones were never meant to pass on their genes…except for the exception which was Orta. With these deductions, one can safely conclude that Orta possesses ALL of the abilities of her drone brethren.

I think all higher end drones were perhaps master keys to all the ancient technology, but if Orta was also one such key who could reproduce, or a unique case, it would explain why the Seekers locked her away. Forgive the pun. :slight_smile:

Like I wrote earlier, Panzer Dragoon Orta built up Orta’s character to be someone of future importance no matter how you look at it. I would be very surprised indeed, if she didn’t play a role in the next game in contrast to Panzer Dragoon Saga which seemed to forget about Lundi and Kyle…


[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]Replace humans? Never! Not if the Empire has any say in the matter!

Wouldn’t Orta be doing exactly what Abadd wanted to do, though, if that were the case?[/quote]

Not necessarily…there’s a difference between murdering all of the humans (Which is what Abadd wanted), and simply letting them eventually die out through natural selection. Certainly, natural selection is the lesser of the two evils.[/quote]

You assume humans are the weaker species. Remember, humans arguably created the drones and all the advanced technology littering the world. Humanity will always find a way to survive if not through sheer inventiveness.

Humanity shall prevail! The Empire’s new grand admiral will hunt Orta down to the ends of the earth.

Can we? That would be assuming that Azel had the ability and the knowledge to give Orta specific traits and abilities related to specific pieces of ancient technology - remember that each Drone was built to operate specific pieces of technology, not just anything.

For the “master key” concept to be true, Azel would have to design Orta so that she could interface with every different piece of Ancient technology on the planet… including the ones that Azel herself had never encountered. So far though, we’ve seen no real evidence that Orta had any special abilities, or that Azel knew how she would turn out: after all, Orta’s reproductive abilities are presumably an outcome of her nature, not any particular choice of Azel’s. Beyond that, Orta hasn’t really displayed any special powers; the theory at least seems questionable enough not to be a definite truth.

[quote=“Geoffrey Duke”]

You assume humans are the weaker species. Remember, humans arguably created the drones and all the advanced technology littering the world. Humanity will always find a way to survive if not through sheer inventiveness.

Humanity shall prevail! The Empire’s new grand admiral will hunt Orta down to the ends of the earth.[/quote]

Yes, it’s true that the humans were the Ancients who created the drones and all of the advanced technology in the world. Unfortunately, during the Fall of the Ancient Age, most of the Ancient population died…and those who survived, eventually forgot about their origins. And those who were once considered equals, were now considered gods. The current and previous Empires are simply repeating the same mistakes the Ancients and rebels made 10,000 years ago. There’s no way to end it, other then to end humanity, itself.

Your argument definitely holds merit, so I won’t contest it till we’re given more information. Keep in mind that all of these theories are just mere speculation anyway - it’s just a race to see who is right once the next Panzer Dragoon comes out.

We may see a nobler side to the Empire in the future. You never know.

Besides, I doubt Orta will live long enough to bring her evil plans to fruition. Someone will stop her…

Although Azel probably didn’t intend for Orta’s decendants to replace the human race, has anybody thought that this might indeed happen, or start happening? I can imagine a group of half human half drones rising up as strong force, thinking that they were the only ones who could ‘save this doomed world’, but without the restrictions Abadd had of not being able to reproduce.

Without the restrictions that the Ancients enforced upon the drones, these drone/human hybrids could become a force that not even the Empire could stop. That, in a way, would be Abadd’s goals carried out, simply through natural reproduction.

[size=59]…and the ultimate revenge of Orta against the human race too >:)[/size]

Another hint at Azel’s intentions for Orta…is the fact that she made her female and not male. Those of you who have taken biology and biochemistry probably know that only the female passes on the true genetic heritage of the species via Mitochondrial DNA - this applies to not only humans, but every living thing on the planet (that reproduces heterosexually, anyway)

If Azel would have made Orta male, then the drone half of the hybrid would eventually become dilluted…and the hybrid would have either have been sterile or simply would not have been able to pass on the drone traits, because males have no capacity to be a ‘carrier’.