Atolm's Remains?

At the end of the Panzer Dragoon Orta, on the last still picture that is shown during the credits, you see the Empire surrounding the remains of a dragon - these remains do not look like Lagi’s OR any Dragonmare remains. Could these remains be Atolm’s? And if so, did the empire base their Dragonmare designs on his remains?

I can only remember the picture of a dead dragonmare with Seekers and a coolia standing around it. Is that the one you mean?

It’s definitly a dragonmare in that picture. Atolm was a lot bigger, and looked differant.

That was Abbad’s Mare.And yes I am sure :slight_smile:

Is the image below the one we’re talking about?

If so, it’s definitely just a dragonmare. I’m afraid it’s not Abadd’s mare either, Gehn: it has the wrong colours and proportions, and remember that Abadd’s mare completely disintegrated after the battle.

Going by the colour-scheme, it seems to be one of the full-grown dragonmares from Evren’s squadron.

I’m not sure if those guys are meant to be from the Empire, either. They do seem to be quite happy about the fact that the dragonmare’s dead, and they’re apparently pulling it to pieces…

(As usual, image courtesy of The Art of Panzer Dragoon.)

EDIT: The picture was bigger than I thought, so here’s the link instead:

Ur yeah.That’s exactly what I mean :slight_smile:

i remember it was said that the guardian dragon was simply a creature that could not die until it completed it’s purpose. i wondered if this was a trait of the dark dragon too… maybe the other guardians… nuse… golia… the ones that sestren exis summoned to crash into you in the final battle

it could be theoretically possible that there is an ethereal link from the sestren to some of these creatures. that would allow their physical bodies to be completely vaporized and there would still be the chance that they could be repaired, or have a new physical body constructed for them for them to possess…

maybe atolm too? :frowning:

[quote=“Megatherium”]i wondered if this was a trait of the dark dragon too… maybe the other guardians… nuse… golia… the ones that sestren exis summoned to crash into you in the final battle

it could be theoretically possible that there is an ethereal link from the sestren to some of these creatures. that would allow their physical bodies to be completely vaporized and there would still be the chance that they could be repaired, or have a new physical body constructed for them for them to possess…[/quote]

I suspect that the creatures and ships that Sestren summons up during that final battle are simply simulations of those things, not their original forms. After all, Sestren is a massive repository for recordings, memories and simulations of things that no longer exist, so I’d assume that those creatures are simply virtual reality-style constructs as well (like the Anti Dragons, and various things seen and heard in Sestren in PDO).

Yes, there definately not real.

There is a colia in that shot as well, so it is probably the seekers (can’t tell if it is dead, though)

i know they aren’t real and that they could just be recordings, what i meant was that they were effectively like the “souls” of the creatures. the virtual souls, where even if the real-physical-bodies were destroyed, the mind of the creature would still exist in the sestren and could eventually come back into the physical realm.

take the guardian dragon for instance, lundi and lagi rocked it at the end of zwei, all its pieces fell off and it sank into the ocean. at this point the physical body is dead but the ethereal counter-part still was alive in the sestren. then when the empire exumed the guardian dragon’s remains and went about re-attaching everything, the physical body was then ready to have the soul re-enter it. and when it did, it activated, destroyed the ship carrying it and went right back into what it had been doing last (trying to kill lagi).

it just seemed strange to me why simple recordings would do so much damage :slight_smile: i figured sestren exis was allowing the souls to try to get a little vengeance…

whatever the case maybe, if atolm’s parts were put back together do you think he would be able to come back to life the way the guardian dragon did?

I get the impression that the Guardian Dragon was being repaired by the same automated pure-types that were repairing Shelcoof, rather than the Empire themselves. The likely explanation (I thought) was that the Guardian Dragon’s head was intact, and that Shelcoof’s repair equipment simply grafted its body parts back on. Normally a pure-type’s non-decaying body survives indefinitely, after all, so it would make some sense if a pure-type could literally be reassembled in this way. It would make even more sense in the Guardian Dragon’s case, as Gash implied that it was always built to “rise again”.

Similarly, it does seem odd that Edge’s and Orta’s physical guns can do damage to things within Sestren, which are themselves only computer programs. As far as I can tell, it seems that everything is transformed into a standard level of “reality” within the virtual space of the network. Everything ends up equally “real” and threatening, be it the digitised gun of Edge, the virtual body (bodies?) of the Sestren Exsis or the simulations that Sestren runs.

The battle simulations experienced in the sub-scenarios of PDO are indistinguishable from the real thing, so it seems almost certain that the Golia, Drenholm, Nooth and other creatures seen at the end of PDS are just the same: physical simulations reconstructed from Sestren’s endless memory banks.

Sestren’s choice of the “Anti Dragons” and its own form as a twisted Blue Dragon / Solo Wing seem to indicate that it was “mocking” Lagi at the end of the game, too. Dredging up the data-forms of monsters that Lagi thought it had destroyed would fit into that theme pretty well.

Back at the time of PDS I actually had similar thoughts about the creatures’ minds or souls returning to Sestren when their bodies were destroyed. All the extra info on Sestren in PDO, however, does suggest that those things were nothing more than simulated memory constructs.

Possibly yes. Although I do seem to remember Atolm physically disintegrating after the battle, it might not have been any worse than what happened to the Guardian Dragon in the end.

ok :slight_smile:

those partially corroded creatures that sestren exis summoned to collide with you were creepy though :frowning: