At least we're getting a new PD game, right?

Re: Front page story.

I’m sure I don’t need to go into the details of why EA r teh b4d etc. But, any new Panzer game is better than no new Panzer game I suppose.

April fools. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Shadow”]Re: Front page story.

I’m sure I don’t need to go into the details of why EA r teh b4d etc. But, any new Panzer game is better than no new Panzer game I suppose.[/quote]

Bad news. That was a lie. This is why I hate April Fools’ Day.

Is it really bad news that EA hasn’t bought the Panzer Dragoon franchise? I think they would ruin it.

Mind you, a new Panzer game from Sega might not be good news either…

[quote=“Solo Wing”]Is it really bad news that EA hasn’t bought the Panzer Dragoon franchise? I think they would ruin it.

Mind you, a new Panzer game from Sega might not be good news either…[/quote]

I wasn’t thinking. Still, if EA bought Panzer Dragoon, I’d go berserk.

[quote=“Solo Wing”]Is it really bad news that EA hasn’t bought the Panzer Dragoon franchise? I think they would ruin it.

Mind you, a new Panzer game from Sega might not be good news either…[/quote]

Hmm… Come to think of it, I’m GLAD EA buying the Panzer Dragoon Franchise was a lie. Leave it with SEGA, okay? I don’t want EA to defile these sacred pieces by turning them into unoriginal fire breathing dragons.

I don’t like the direction EA (and others in the industry) are going in with always online and free to play/microtransactions. If the rumours are true about the next Xbox requiring you to be always online to play, this doesn’t spell well for Crimson Dragon either, so in a sense some of that April Fools post may not turn out to be a complete lie. I really hope not, but things aren’t looking too hopeful.

Hah, that was a pretty bad April fools joke Solo! I knew in my soul that couldn’t be true.

Imagine if Sega had Retro Studios (Metroid Prime series) make a Panzer Dragoon game or just a reboot of the series in general! That will never happen though. I just know they’d do an amazing job though!

Actually, do any of you feel Panzer Dragoon should actually be rebooted? I think this is a video game series that is actually in need of a reboot. That is, if done by the right creative minds.

I would prefer a sequel or maybe a prequel. Panzer Dragoon has a rich history that can be expanded on; there’s no need to reboot it. They just need to make the story understandable if you haven’t played the previous games (Orta suffered from not doing this). I’d like to see that world expanded on with a new scenario that doesn’t forget its fictional history. Reboots make more sense for single character focused stories where they’ve depleted the character so much that there’s no other sensible option.

Maybe expand on the fall of Meccania and stuff like that.

The problem is, they couldn’t feature a dragon in that case, at least not one that makes any sort of significant dent in the history of the world. Dragons were basically considered mythological by Lundi. The game would have to be pre-Empire or post-Orta to make sense within the established history. Another option would be to have a Panzer Dragoon game without a playable dragon in it, but that’s probably not a good way to revive the franchise.

Good point.

A story about Meccania and the Empire could be interesting though. Maybe an in-game book that the protagonist finds.

Yeah. like Iva’s story.

It was too awesome a story to just ignore, I was hoping someone else would run with me on this joke in the forums but nevermind :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, EA buying anything is a bad idea. At this point I don’t really see any future games coming out in the PD series… although if Sega went all mature with it it could certainly sell well on the PS3. Something along the lines of Quantic Dream’s stuff.

[quote=“Solo Wing”]Is it really bad news that EA hasn’t bought the Panzer Dragoon franchise? I think they would ruin it.

Mind you, a new Panzer game from Sega might not be good news either…[/quote]

To be fair, aren’t I right in saying that for the Panzer Dragoon touch up on the PS2, Sega hired members of the original team to work on it? I think Sega have SOME decency. I like to think they would hire enough of the original team to make a sequel a legit, decent enough sequel.

Unless, of course, they outsource it to a western dev, like they did with Golden Axe… yeah, on second thoughts, you might be right.

That’s correct, Land Ho! made the Sega Ages version and they’re now working on Crimson Dragon together with Grounding Inc.

That might be cool. A semi-related question is: does a Panzer Dragoon game necessarily have to have shooter elements as a primarily gameplay feature? Even Saga was kind of shooter at its core (just semi real time, rather than fully real time). But perhaps a more story driven Panzer Dragoon game could work, with the shooter system taking a backseat (or eliminated entirely) to make way for interactive story telling via other gameplay mechanics. This wouldn’t rule out a dragon and rider pair as the central focus, but perhaps the game would be more focused on expressing the bond through other means rather than shooting/violence as the core mechanic. I’m thinking of something like Ico, although not necessarily a puzzle game. Thoughts?

Yeah, that’s a good point. I’m just not sure I trust them with a whole new game in the series. They might turn it into something much less than what it once was (like their treatment of the Shining Force series which was changed from a strategy game into a generic action RPG).

I’ve no played Ico, though I always wanted to.

I think at this point (it’s been 10 years since Orta) a new Panzer game could be any genre it wanted, as long as it dealt with the same subject matter we’re used to. RPG, shooter, action adventure, interactive story, Kinect enabled dance game, anything. There isn’t really a precedent to keep in the same genre after so long since the last game, IMO.

I think genre goes a long way in providing mass appeal to consumers. Take a franchise, whack it into an FPS, and you’ll sell more than if you make it an RTS. This is something to consider if you’re releasing a game in a series that’s not sold amazingly well in the past.

I wouldn’t mind a new Panzer Dragoon game in any of those genres you mentioned Shadow, with the exception of a Kinect dance game (although a dancing Viaman could be amusing).

Personally, I’d prefer a lower budget Panzer Dragoon game that doesn’t try for too much mass appeal if that helps to prevent the series from being turned into a generic FPS. The more mass appeal you go for, the more you’re likely to compromise. Maybe Kickstarter style funding would be the way to go to ensure that the concept remains unique while gaining the neccessary funding. Of course Sega would need to agree to that, but it’s not like they’re using the IP for anything else.