
hay guys i am on a mission if you guys want to see articles on the main site relating to Sega’s projects etc. and if so can you plese post because me and solo would like to know, because then we will look into starting up a few articles and news and see how it goes.

ok i wouldnt mind receiving a reply if you have read this.

Let me know if you think this is a good idea. I don’t have a lot of spare time to write articles myself these days, but if people are interested in writing themselves, or know of people who might want to, I’m always willing to listen to knew ideas for content.

Also, if we did have a section for other Sega games and/or another video games do you think it would ruin the focus of the site? Or help keep in an interest in TWotA (with the lack of PD content recently)?

Knock yourselves out. I wish I could help but I’m juggling too much at the moment.