Art of panzer dragoon

What’s the status of this, folks?

Do we have a backup, or will we need to manually copy all art from the backup? If someone has a recent backup, would they be able to upload it via FTP to my web server to save time?

solo I PM’ed you …


Hooray! :anjou_love:

yikes is that old! kinda funny to see! hopefully I will find a newer one in next few months, but glad the content is mostly up!

Looking forward to it, Lagi. The later design was quite nice.

Interestingly, the top banner link didn’t work properly, so I had to modify the HTML. I wonder if this was an in-development version?

I know this is kind of old, but I was just curious if the end conclusion was a lack of any other backup of more recent versions or if something else is still in the works? I’m very glad the site is still online and available for the web to see, though :smiley:

I want to say I found a newer version, but I again can’t seem to find it again! Been crazy busy at work, will dig into it again later. As a side, I DID find some images that never made it to the page- will try to combine them all in one archive …

Glad to hear you’ve found a more recent version at least. It’s just peace of mind to know there hasn’t been anything lost! :anjou_happy:

I realise this post is incredibly old now, so apologies for bumping it, but was any further progress made on recovering the newer version of Art of PD? It was an amazing resource and to have all the artwork available that possibly can be is a truly valuable and inspiring resource :slight_smile:

Doh- I did find the latest version- just have to find the 5 minutes to rapidshare it up for Solo …

Fingers crossed we’ll see it before long then :slight_smile: Thanks man, just love the art and hope we see it all back online sometime!

Lagi, anything happening with this? I can provide FTP details if you want to upload it to TWOTA’s web server.

Welcome, ninjadetective. It’s great to have new members join the community.

I have never seen that Orta shirt before. If I recall correctly, the image is from the Panzer Dragoon Orta novel “Kaze To Akatsuki No Musume”. Shadow currently has my copy of the novel… perhaps he might kindly check and scan the image?



It would be a shame if it vanished.

[quote=“Solo”]Welcome, ninjadetective. It’s great to have new members join the community.

I have never seen that Orta shirt before. If I recall correctly, the image is from the Panzer Dragoon Orta novel “Kaze To Akatsuki No Musume”. Shadow currently has my copy of the novel… perhaps he might kindly check and scan the image?[/quote]

That image is in neither the novel or the guide book… though I’m sure I’ve seen it somewhere before, it must’ve been on the internet :confused:

Hmm, okay. I probably saw it on the Internet too. I wonder where it came from… perhaps the official website? Thanks for checking anyway.

I dont remember seein those before :

The third picture is a reversed and larger picture of the one found on the PAL case. The others seem familiar too.

Still really hoping for this too. It’s an invaluable resource…