Anyone need any PDO screenshots?

I recently got a capture card for my PC, so if there’s any screenshots from the game you want, let know. I haven’t got the Saturn working on it yet, but if you have a request from one of those games leave it here and I’ll see what I can do.

Is a capture card like a TV tuner card? I have one of them but for some reason i seem to get poor quality input from my consoles.

Yep, it’s the same thing. The quality is okay, it could be better though. Here are some shots of Abadd I took with it:

lol, i clicked the link without looking at what it was. My eyes were greeted by


Insane drone? Yes.

oh those drone things are weird O_O good capture though^^

If you could get any captures of ships i would appreciate it much :slight_smile:

I thought the input quality would be perfect(or at least as good as a normal TV) however this is not the case on mine. Strangely the TV channels get better quality than my console which is weird as the console has no interference.

hey solo, once you get your saturn up and running you think you could get some PDO and PD2 pics for us?

You mean PD2 and PDS pictures for the screenshots section? I’ll try. Any specific ones you want?

I’ll take some shots of the New Empire’s ships for your site :slight_smile:

Actually I’d really like to see a screenshot of Sestren (ingame) in PDS. I never found one anywhere on the internet.

makes a note

I already asked a while back for shots of the in-game Dark Dragon in Panzer Dragoon Saga.Could you get them? :slight_smile:

Oh and if you can get a clear picture of Paet in the one FMV he appears on in Saga that would be great!

If I get a chance to play that section I’ll try and get it.


Actually I’d really like to see a screenshot of Sestren (ingame) in PDS. I never found one anywhere on the internet.[/quote]

yeah, he never seems to appare…so far all I’ve found is weird art and the back of a car looking for it:P be cool to see one though…