Any UK members who don't a copy of Saga?

Then I have news for you.

Today (March 17th) I espied not one but TWO copies of Panzer Dragoon Saga on sale in the Union Street branch of Gamestation in Glasgow, up in Scotland.

Both seemed to be complete and are on sale for ?84.99. This is a price lower than what many people pay on Ebay.

If I were a completely unscrupulous sod, I would have bought both copies and made a profit of maybe ?40. But I’m not. I want more people to play this awesome game.

So if you want to, now’s your chance. :anjou_happy:

For that matter, for people in Belgium there is a copy in the city of Leuven in the shop “Max” for ?90, or rhoughly ?62.5. =D

bit off topic, but a good condition Shining Force III (PAL) is in my local gamestation for ?67
Dunno if its worth the money?

Damn, if only I had the money I would buy that. I’ve wanted SFIII for ages.

You might want to know then that the price SF3 scans up at on a Gamestation till is ?29.99 :slight_smile:

I’d happily pay anything under ?70 for SF3. Consider this: DKC on the SNES cost about ?65 when it came out at first. Compare the two games.

And I have enough Saturn investment for a while (PDS and Vampire Savior).

just checking it out on ebay - SF3 goes for around ?40-?55 if you’re interested…

and yeah - gamestation rips you off

I would rather buy SF3 for ?68 on the high street than ?40-50 on Ebay. If you buy an item on the high street, the item is in your hand and you are guaranteed that it exists. With ebay, even an auctioneer with the best feedback can run a scam that leaves you out of pocket…

They can but why would they waste the only thing rendering them reliable for 60 bucks? Ebay does close accounts for matters like that afaik, they wouldn’t simply get one negative comment in a sea of positive ones (which wouldn’t mean much).

well if you (arcie) or anyone else wants that SF3 let me know and i’ll get it for them (as long as you pay me =P)

oh yeah… if anyone can find me a copy of DC Rez for a decent price could they let me know as well please? :slight_smile:

… If I had a means of getting to Glasgow easily… if only… -_-;

Is there any way something might be… arranged?
O’course I’ll have to get an emulator before anything along these lines be considered. My Saturn doesn’t like my current television.

Wow, thats a rare sighting. Good bargin hunting, lol. The one in Preston never has any good stuff

And Long Island, of course, has nothing. :anjou_sigh: