Any news on emulation

I think that was Kadamose, not me, but anyway…

The specs for my PC are:

CPU: Athlon 2600XP
Memory: 512 MB
Graphics Card: Radeon 9700, 128 MB

It runs fine on that setup, but I used to have a 2100XP and it ran on that at well with very few problems. So I don’t see why it wouldn’t run on your PC Ancient Weapon. Does it even start up the game at all?

Yeah, it could be a lot easier. Alternatively there is that other “updated” version of it that someone released called Cassini, but it doesn’t offer as much flexibility IMO (you can’t choose where you want to install it on your PC for starters).

Does GiriGiri actually make use of your graphics card?

I think it’s more CPU intensive than anything.

If it wasn’t so damn difficult to emulate the soundchip(s?) properly.
I could live with the graphic glitches, but the sound bothers me.

[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]

I think that was Kadamose, not me, but anyway…[/quote]

My bad! :anjou_embarassed:

Oh yeah, sorry for giving the wrong impression. It does start! But my graphics card (really bad) and possibly my RAM let it down, I think. I have missing polygons and bad sound and I didn’t feel like playing it much like that.

[quote=“lordcraymen”]If it wasn’t so damn difficult to emulate the soundchip(s?) properly.
I could live with the graphic glitches, but the sound bothers me.[/quote]

Yeah, that’s a shame. I wonder what happened?

I heard GiriGiri was by Sega anyway… is this true? I guess they just never got as far as they could have. Unsurprising, given the failure of the Saturn. :anjou_disappointment:

I’ve had the missing polygons problem myself, though only on a PC that couldn’t run the emulator at full speed either; on top of all the other little flaws, I can see why that would be off-putting…

As far as I know, the GiriGiri emulator was developed independently but bought by Sega when it reached a reasonable level of quality. I’m not sure of the details, but I’d heard that they offered an online game-download scheme to Japanese gamers for a while, but that this (and their interest in the emulator) has died away since.

Why would Sega be interested in an emulator?

I should imagine that it was for the reasons not too dissimilar to the one that Lance stated:

Japanese gamers beeing able to download old Saturn games in order to play in their PC?Unless they payed for it I don’t see the point…

…Regardless.I don’t see the point

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]Japanese gamers beeing able to download old Saturn games in order to play in their PC?Unless they payed for it I don’t see the point…

That’s exactly what they did. They pay some fee for each game, and then they download them to their PC and use the official Sega emulator to play them.

Panzer Dragoon Zwei was one of the games avaliable for download as well. I guess it played just like it did on GiriGiri.

This seems interesting! This must be the ‘cyberdisc’ system? I remember the URL of the supposed official GiriGiri web site beginning with cyberdisc.

Digging through the site’s news archives I found this: … to_030.php
The source site doesn’t work anymore, however.

Would it be possible for someone to advise me on the general hardware requirements of GiriGiri?

I have heard that it sometimes works better with slower processors, but surely that can’t be right? I tend to get blocky sound and dodgy (lack of) graphics. Maybe my graphics card or RAM lets my setup down, however.

Thanks for any help here. :anjou_happy:

Kadamose, could you please give me more information about Steve Snake’s apparently in-progress Saturn emulator, or refer me to somewhere where I can read more?

Also, any help with the above question would still be great!

Well Steve Snake may be good but, just because he may be (I don’t see anything on his kega site or projects page) starting a new project, we shouldn’t dismiss the work of the rest people that are currently trying to emulate the Sega Saturn, some of them have showed very promising results. Most are not as developed as we’d like them to be yet but that doesn’t mean the work they do sucks… If someone thinks so he’s propably too impatient :P~
We’ll propably (or hopefully) see one of these emus playable earlier than Steve’s as well since he’s just starting out… So better hope they are good too rather than have to wait for Steve :P~
Though it’d be great if he could work together with another project so we wouldn’t have to wait so long…

This was a godsend, my saturn is dying, and freezes after playing for a short time. I was wondering how exactly changing disks works though.When I get to the end of disk 1, how to run disk 2? And what happens with my saves?

Finally finished the game after having alot of trouble with the emulator. I accidently wiped out my saves after getting halfway through disk 3, and had to start over. But I did learn from it, and I found out the emulator stores your saves in C:/Windows/Profiles/Saturn. You can back them up by copying the folder somewhere else. I also found a work around for the game getting stuck when there is text in a boss battle. Get the game windowed, click on it’s button on the task bar 2 or 3 times for each line. This may sound stupid, but I think the emulator speeds up text lines, you will notice that they go pretty fast when in town, and by clicking the task bar, you are lagging the game, and slowing down. Again, I know it sounds stupid, but it works.

That should be added to an emulation Panzer FAQ …