An undocumented PDS glitch?

Hey folks. I’m not sure if this is really a new thing, but I haven’t seen it around anywhere. I’ve been streaming through Panzer Dragoon Saga on original hardware, and happened upon a glitch in Juba’s bar that makes Edge super tiny, and able to walk through walls. Everything becomes “far,” and when you access stuff he has to look up to see it. It’s ultimately rather useless, but it’s silly at least.

If you watch at around 19:40 you can see it in action.

The trick seems to be getting up on that stool, but frankly I’m not sure how I did it! it happened so naturally. I must’ve had just the right vector there.

I swear it’s not an april fools day thing! Hope this does something for ya, and someone else is able to replicate it, because I don’t want to try :stuck_out_tongue:

have a nice day!

I hadn’t seen this glitch before. Neat.

There is a similar glitch where you can walk outside of the walls of Zoah: … eird-stuff

It would be cool if we can figure out how the reproduce the Juba’s glitch and document it in the article above.


I just tried it out 3 times in a row. If you run right up against the empty stool in between and to the left of the unknown man and Abner, while slowly moving ever so slightly to the left little by little, you will notice there is a point where Edge clips up and falls off the stool a bit.

Now this is the best way I’ve been able to perform the glitch:

While running up against the right side of the stool move left fast across that clip point. Just before, and as Edge is about to clip up the stool, move and hook the analogue stick right and away from Edge very fast. Now do this in quick succession over and over again, until you manage to get Edge up there!

You can then just drop off and walk around endlessly running into the background. I was able to talk to everyone from far away. I also ran so far into the background. I was a centimeter in height before I disappeared. :anjou_happy:

We should add this info to a section in The Weird Stuff article. If you want to prepare some text and screenshot(s) go for it legaiaflame. Remind me if I forget…

Here are the pics. Let me know if you want them in a different size.

-Clip point and analogue movement arrows

-Edge on top of the bar stool

-Edge about to fall off to the bottom floor

-Edge while tiny can still interact with everyone from afar

The text will pretty much be the same explanation as above. I’ll put it together when I have more time.

Going right below the “Into the Void” part of the article:

Into the Pit

In the Village of Zoah within Juba’s bar, you can perform another strange glitch on the second floor. The glitch allows you to break through the boundaries put in place, moving up on top of the stool and table. You will ultimately be able to pass through the wall and fall down into an inescapable pit. Once below, Edge will then appear like he has shrunk. Whether it be at night or during the day, the glitch can be done at any time.

If you run right up against the empty stool in between and to the left of the unknown man and Abner, while slowly moving ever so slightly to the left little by little, you will notice there is a point where Edge clips up and falls off the stool a bit.

Keeping this in mind while running up against the right side of the stool, move left fast across that clip point. Just before, and as Edge is about to clip up the stool, move and hook the analogue stick right and away from Edge very fast. Now do this in quick succession over and over again, until you manage to get Edge up there!

You can then just drop off and walk around endlessly running into the background. It is still possible to talk to everyone from far away. Also, if you run far enough into the background the camera will zoom in, the screen will lock in place and eventually the screen will turn black. Aside from this there is not much more to be done. Considering this glitch was discovered by pure accident, you just have to wonder: “exactly what else is possible”?!

Note: There is a similar glitch like this found within Vaiman’s house in the Holy District. While inside, if you run up the stars a certain way, it is possible to fall off and move further into the background.

Special thanks to exodus of course for this chance happenstance!

Awesome, thanks! If you have larger sizes of the images I’ll upload those. TWOTA’s CMS will automatically make them the right size for the embedded image in the article and for the popover.

Sure, are these okay?

-Clip point and analogue movement arrows

-Edge on top of the bar stool

-Edge about to fall off to the bottom floor

-Edge while tiny can still interact with everyone from afar

Yep, good. Or even larger ones if you still have copies. I try to upload higher quality images than I need in case we upgrade to a super high resolution version of the site in the future (unlikely, but you never know). It’s like when you upload a video to YouTube, they keep the original version even if it’s a lower resolution version than what is displayed.

Those are the largest I have. You should be good to go!

I’ve updated the Werid Stuff article and added you and Exodus as contributors. If you think it looks okay, I’ll give it a mention on the front page.

Yeah, it looks good. Nice to have another glitch added to the list.