After Sestren Function Stop … n_stop.php

Due to Edge?s actions, Sestren was destroyed, and the Towers functions stopped. However the massive change to our bodies has not occurred. 1 So far the Towers purification functions are still having an effect ? in the air, in the earth, some of it still lingers.2

This suggests that the Ancients created Towers/Sestren to purify the world, from an environment that previously wasn’t habitable by humans. It sounds as though the world was purifed enough to allow humans to keep surviving without the help of the Towers.

However, during that event Azel only destroyed a part of the Sestren network that controls the Towers, and it is possible that multiple copies of Sestren continue to operate [the Towers]. In order to confirm that, we continue our inquiries in every part of the continent.

Presumably this is meant to be from the Seekers’ perspective. I wonder how much evidence they had that multiple copies of Sestren might exist, or if they were just making assumptions since Sestren still exists (although, how would they even know that?)

What is everyone’s thoughts on this?

The article says it’s an unofficial guide? How much reason do we have to be considering it with other information? I’m not trying to dismiss it I’m just curious if there’s something I don’t know about, like is it still based on access to other unpublished design work from TA?

Either way it’s well established from Orta that the “Heresy Program” took Sestren’s place, and I think the assumption all along has been that it didn’t destroy or completely disable all of the Towers. Right?

I wondered this myself, but considering the lengths other “unofficial” Japanese guidebooks go to ( I have one for Suikoden 3 that not only contains more information than the official guide, but also contains many, many staff interviews) this isn’t anything like the Prima/Brady style.

Ahh cool, thank you Kimimi I guess that’s compelling enough. Is this guide, or section of the guide, actually presented as a Seeker account then? They’re the only ones who should initially have full knowledge of Edge and Azel’s role in the Great Fall, so that is indeed the best guess. But I’d be interested to know if it’s explicit.

But relating to what you already said Solo, the second paragraph is in the form of speculation anyway, so I don’t see that it impacts the manifest evidence from Orta. Even if the Heresy Program terminated itself along with the main Tower, it had overpowered Sestren Exis and any “copies” or redundancy of the system would then presumably reflect the new “Sestren”.

It does constitute an interesting suggestion for compromise on the issue of whether the exchange in Episode 7 is merely a data record of a conversation from before Sestren Function Stop, or evidence of the Heresy Program’s continued presence…

It also syas something about Earth. Is this evidence that PD takes place on a future Earth?

In this instance “earth” is not a proper noun, so I’d advise not thinking about that too much.

As Heretic has said “earth” in this instance is interchangeable with “soil”/“ground”, etc.

It’s difficult to tell just from Panzer Dragoon Saga alone if the dragon destroying Sestren actually caused all of the Towers to shut down. All we really know is that a bunch of sandstorms started appearing after Azel blew up the Tower of Uru, but the extent to which Sestren’s destruction affected the Towers and the environment was never made 100% clear. But, definitely in Orta, these questions are cleared up.

[quote=“Heretic Agnostic”]But relating to what you already said Solo, the second paragraph is in the form of speculation anyway, so I don’t see that it impacts the manifest evidence from Orta. Even if the Heresy Program terminated itself along with the main Tower, it had overpowered Sestren Exis and any “copies” or redundancy of the system would then presumably reflect the new “Sestren”.

It does constitute an interesting suggestion for compromise on the issue of whether the exchange in Episode 7 is merely a data record of a conversation from before Sestren Function Stop, or evidence of the Heresy Program’s continued presence…[/quote]

Yeah, all of that paragraph seems to be simply speculation, I just thought the idea of multiple Sestrens might really be more than just speculation. It could be one of those things the writers added in to raise a possibility that might have been used in a future game.

It is very questionable whether the conversation in Episode 7 was meant to have happened before the ‘Sestren Function’ stopped. At the end of PDS the dragon program does say “Now the Divine Visitor must destroy me”, so perhaps the Episode 7 conversation happened before or just after that scene?

There’s one little thing about that conversation with the Heresy Sestren… why would it warn the dragon about being “mortal” if it chooses to leave, if the other option is to be destroyed if it chooses to stay? Plenty of ways out of the question, but it’s always been curious to me.

Anyway it seems to me like the Seekers (if this is from their perspective) never knew quite what Sestren was either. Their attitude carried a sense of skepticism and disdain for the sudject, Sestren was just a target for them, nothing more scary than any other mechanism of the ancient age.

Perhaps the physical dragon could still have remained in Sestren after the program was deactivated? The Heresy program would be gone, but the dragon would still exist for some time.

Yeah, that’s a satisfying enough answer, it’s not a vexing issue or anything as I said…

Just another of the myriad little curiosities of wording which reinforce the comprehensive dichotomy between the empirical and the nebulous aspects of Panzer Dragoon. For myself I mean. :anjou_happy: