Advice in making a good video game movie

From what I know of Carnage, he’s as much a one-way ticket to an 18 (or NU17 for Americans) as Hannibal Lecter.

Carnage has got to be one of my favourite super vilains.

That’s NC-17, partner.

Actually, only the most graphic of films (i.e. porn) seem to get that rating. Most things get R.

that would be the way i would prefer it :smiley: but if the director delivered carnage’s scenes in the way that the comic books did, i don’t think there would be any violence problems.

the way the comic did it was to show carnage strapped down in some device being studied by scientists- for those unfamiliar with carnage, his power lay in his blood and therefore needs to open a wound to unleash it. for that reason scientists concocted all kinds of restraining devices to keep carnage from doing that. of course carnage, being the criminal genius that he was, would always figure out a way to escape. so a common scene would have the scientists studying and occasionally taunting a locked up carnage, all of the methods employed in his detainment would be waved in front of him by the smug scientists but eventually carnage would do something like… reveal that he had sharpened one of his molars to a needle point, prick his tongue, and then massacre the scientists.

but in the comics, they would never show the massacre, they would just show carnage just starting to get free- a little red and black tendril snaking out along the floor, up behind a scientist, tapping the scientist on the shoulder, the scientist turns around, the tendril takes the form of a curved blade, and then it cuts away to peter park back at home talking to mary jane or something. of course later it is revealed that everyone in the research facility was killed and that carnage escaped. i think the movies could use that same format and escape anything more than PG-13.

I have no problems with Doom being made into a movie… even if it is a cheesey 12a ala AVP. Do I care about blatant cashing-in, devaluing or watering-down of the original concept? Maybe there was a time when I would of raised a complaint, but not anymore, I don’t care in the slightest anymore.

I am really really shrewd with the films I pay money to see, but now that is of no consequence. Ever since I got my unlimited cinema card ($20 a month for as many films as you want), the world of cinema opened up to me. As a result I tend to no longer be concerned with whether or not I am getting value for money, but now watch anything as casually as if it was just watching a TV programme. No real loss to me if it wasn’t that great, usually friends go along aswell, the more the merrier.

I wouldn’t of paid money to see Catwoman or Punisher for example, but I watched them anyay… whatever my previous perspectives on Catwoman, they have now changed for the better. Berry makes a good Catwoman in her own way, and the movie tried very hard to convey that to the audience. Was it a good film? Overall no, but i’m, still glad I watched it. Otherwise I would of followed everyone’s else’s opinion on it.

Punisher was a good film imo… I was impressed moslty because I had really low expectations of the film and it was a mature film which was a weird financial move looking at comic-book/game adaptions nowadays.

[quote=“Megatherium”]which comic book movies do you think are getting that kind of care and love? while spiderman is breaking all kinds of records at the box office, i don’t think that they are really doing him justice (is it that hard to figure out who the right villains are?). they brushed over a lot of the defining rules and history of spiderman (web fluid, the first costume, gwen stacey) and they end up with some kind of “spiderman-lite”.

if they choose another crappy villain in the 3rd one, i’m going to kill sam raimi- god knows i should have when i had the chance all those years ago…* the only decent villains by my standards would be venom and carnage; of course they will have to botch their origins since they bothed spiderman’s.

if i had to pick the comic book movie that turned out the best, i would say batman returns but the batman movies have almost become a thing of their own.

the only other ones i can think of are daredevil and catwoman and those were clearly not awesome (not that i actually saw them).

*it seemed appropriate to say at the time but i, to the best of my knowledge, have never had the chance to kill sam raimi.[/quote]

There are some really thought out opinions in this thread. :anjou_love:

Thanx :anjou_happy:

Well the spider man films comes across that it’s been made by someone who LOVES the concept of the character.

The new Batman film is being made by the guy who wrote Blade and that
Christopher Nolan guy. It’s got a fine cast of actors involved.

I read on a website that Bungie won’t sell the movie rights to Halo unless its
James Cameron is the one wanting to make the film for it. Ridley Scott however is supposed to be intrested.

That’s what movies based on games need some real actors and directors involved in the production. Spy hunter with the Rock could be the first video game movie not to suck wghich would be ironic considering the game does.

The new Batman movie has Ra’s Al Ghul as being the bad guy. That’s about as anti-mainstream as you can get (as far as I know, Ra’s has never been in any of the animated series, nor in the Adam West series). But Ra’s is such a cool villain it won’t matter.

I loved Mortal Kombat. I thought Resident Evil was pretty good, though different from the games. I also thought Street Fighter was a good movie, mostly for it’s comedic value.

There’s no way to make a really good video-game based movie. If it changes too much, then it’s pointless to name it after a video game and if it doesn’t change enough, then the fans of the games will be bored because they know what happens. Movies should just be original.

Actually, I thought Nightcrawler worked well in X-men 2 (he wasn’t a highschooler, either).

And that storyline mentioned about the giant Carnage… well, that sounds about exactly what Rune Lai was talking about. The weirder you get, the less people will be interested, because they can’t relate to it. People could relate to the X-men and Spider-man movies because all the characters were relatively human. Remove too much of that, and it becomes more “fantasy” than “super-reality.” The majority of people want to stay based in reality, which is also why certain genres in games have become more popular in recent years as games go more mainstream.

As for Ra’s Al Ghul, I could have sworn he appeared in the Batman animated series… Nevertheless, he’s being played by Ken Watanabe. That’s all I needed to know :smiley: (And Katie Holmes is in the movie!!! :smiley: :smiley: :anjou_love: )

She playing Talia, I guess?

edit Darn, once again I must bow down to the mighty Abadd’s vast encampment of knowledge. Ra’s was apparently in 5 episodes of the Batman Animated Series.

Yeah Ra’s apeared in the Bat man cartoons. A lot of the fans are very excited about this film because of the very fact that it appears to be a proper batman translation like the cartoons were.

I myself would like some faithful adaptation done for a video game. HOUSE OF THE DEAD series has an intresting storyline and definatly better characters than the movie version. All those producers had to do was fleash out the storyline a bit more and add more depth to the characters.

i guess that’s a truth that i never wanted to accept :anjou_sad:

i love things that explode my brain… lots of movies do that, some games too, music can as well especially when enhanced by certain brain exploding substances :anjou_wow:

it’s lonely being a surrealist…

If that’s the case, then I highly recommend you see the movie “Mind Game” if it ever gets translated into English. It’s a surrealistic Japanese animation (not anime… but a serious animation) that is simply mind-boggling.

Here’s a somewhat-related question for y’all: which of the three Harry Potter movies was your favorite?

i’ll check it out. have you seen casshern? it employs the CG background/live action actor idea like sky captain… except it’s japanese and crazy. it’s based on the old kassan robot hunter anime, but it only loosely adheres to it. it’s pretty neat.

i guess something i never got was that most people must find the current action sequences exhilirating and jaw-dropping, i’m sorry to say that i never did. i think i must have been spoiled somehow, maybe my dreams? they’re pretty crazy.

i expect imaginative and am mildly impressed by visionary :anjou_happy:

I dunno… Not all that interested in seeing Casshern. Primarily because my friends in Japan were saying that while visually impressive, the movie didn’t really deliver much in terms of depth.

That, and it was directed by the guy who married Utada Hikaru, which means he deserves a violent and painful death by a thousand papercuts :smiley:

well ok… aside from the plot being a glorified version of megaman, it’s still enough to keep you engaged leading up to this crazy battle at the end.

Wait… Ra’s Al Ghul is in the next Batman movie? O_o That should be cool. I loved the animated series. :slight_smile:

Favorite Harry Potter movie? I guess the third one, but I’m biased because that was my favorite of the books too. :anjou_love:

To this day i still don’t know who didn’t like Michale Keaton in the role of Batman.He was perfect if you ask me.

My favourite Harry Potter movie would either be the first or second one. There were a few things that I didn’t like about the third one. Hermione seemed a bit too ‘girly’ and it didn’t feel quite as innocent as the books. Also, while the new Dumbledore looked the same, he didn’t even try to put on the accent of the old one. Overall it was a good movie though, and my opinion may shift if I watch it again (I’ve only seen it once).

I haven’t seen the Prisoner of Azkaban yet, but my favourite out of the other two was the Philosopher’s Stone.