A VR device you can use with old systems!

After much trial and error from buying various AVI compatible VR headsets, (and making a few returns for complete refunds (sigh) I actually found a good VR headset , which is compatible with old systems that use AVI. It was my last effort and the only one which added depth and 3D to the game.

The VR Headset is called Omino:


Using an AVI to HDMI converter I’ve been able to hook up all my old systems to the headset!

It actually allows you to add depth and 3D to the game you are playing. I’ve already tested it on systems such as: Gamecube, Playstation One, Playstation 2, N64, and Saturn. It’s not compatible with the newer systems though, such as PS4.

I can say with much excitement: I’ve played Skies of Arcadia in VR! Added depth and 3D allowed me to truly appreciate the environments!

Note: Be warned though, the headset only supports a 75 Hz screen so the AVI to HDMI converter needs to support under 75 Hz screen resolution. I bought this AVI to HDMI converter and it’s working Okay so far; albeit with a little bit of flicker on the screen (hardly noticeable): Portta WPETCHP AV/CVBS Composite to HDMI Converter:

https://www.amazon.com/Portta-WPETCHP-Composite-Converter- Windows 10/dp/B008S7EYW2/ref=sr_1_1?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1470441960&sr=1-1&keywords=Portta+WPETCHP+AV%2FCVBS+Composite+to+HDMI+Converter

Some tips:

***Important!!! Even though the Headset comes with a remote you can fine tune the 3D and depth better with the buttons on the headset itself. Go to menu and select Stereo, within the slider bar, Just before the image splits go back one and it will be in sufficient 3D and depth for your eyes. Also press the enter button to center or unlock the image for head tracking…

-Go to Stereo mode and give the image/screen as much depth and 3D as your eyes can handle! It truly adds another layer of immersion to the game!

-Cut some of the foam near your nose off of the headset with scissors, so your nose is comfortable and you can breath adequately.

-Any old first-person game you have will look really impressive

-If you want to spend the money you won’t be disappointed. There are a lot of other systems and games that can benefit from this as well: PS2, XBOX, PSOne, Wii, etc…

I’d give this a shot if I had 300 bucks to slap down on an experiment. How does it produce a stereoscopic image from just a composite out?

This experiment is pretty awesome! I’m not sure how it applies the stereoscopic image but the effect is pretty impressive. And certain games look and feel really immersive. Games where you’re able to look in first person, first person shooters/rpg’s, or platforming games, look really impressive! Older games where you might have wanted to get a closer look at the fine details, can be truly admired and explored by your eyes.

In Skies of Arcadia it was truly a delight to stop where I was in the towns or dungeons and just look around at all of the beautiful environmental details. To a degree, It gave me a sense as if I was really there!

The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time looked very nice. Going into first person with the various tools was very satisfying in 3D!

Also, I was playing Goemon 64 and this game looked really awesome! Various objects within the dungeons, were popping out of the screen! It felt like I was in a wacky funhouse! And the Impact battles looked amazing. I actually felt like I was in the cockpit.

And it’s pretty amazing because these games were never meant to be experienced this way! I’m going to be trying/testing Beyond Good and Evil soon!

Beyond Good and Evil looks AMAZING in VR!

Something important I just discovered with the headset:

***Important!!! Even though the Headset comes with a remote you can fine tune the 3D and depth better with the buttons on the headset itself. Go to menu and select Stereo, within the slider bar, Just before the image splits go back one and it will be in sufficient 3D and depth for your eyes. Also press the enter button to center or unlock the image for head tracking…

Everything is so immersive with added depth. I can observe the fine details within Beyond Good and Evil. I can see the environment as if I was really there! I’m able to observe the animal life and look at the bio-luminescent plant life. It’s wonderful!

I’m confused as to how this works. By that I mean that turning your head around won’t result in any change to what you see, right? What you describe sounds very similar to the 3D effect that you’d get from a Nintendo 3DS (albeit more immersive).

Personally, I got to play the Eve: Valkyrie demo using the PlayStation VR headset, and to be honest I was expecting a bit more. It’s an impressive piece of technology, but for someone like me who prefers seeing a crystal-clear image over anything else, I was disappointing in how aliased and grainy the image looked. That said, the sense of scale of the spaceships that you experience in VR is certainly impressive. But I have trouble imaging I would enjoy seeing old games in stereoscopic 3D, when even the true VR experience didn’t manage to convince me…

Yes, indeed I would say it’s similar to how the 3DS looks. And of course it’s not crystal clear but you have control over that, depending on how much depth you want to add.

You’re going to be able to see every detail so, the more detailed the game’s graphic engine is, the better the added depth and 3D is going to look. That’s why games like Skies of Arcadia and Beyond Good and Evil look so amazing; these games are full of lovingly crafted painstaking detail! Considering the game’s weren’t meant for this, it still looks very impressive.

You can’t look around in 360 degrees, you can only head track a bit to the left or right when in full screen or 80% stretch. Nevertheless, it’s still cool you even have that option for an old game and It feels better then just keeping the screen locked though, because it adds to the illusion like you’re really there.

I would still recommend trying this out if you have the money. While not perfect, It really feels like a new experience added to our old games. I briefly tried Metroid Prime and it looked jaw dropping using this device!