A spot of assistance, if you would

My hard drive recently died, taking with it all the Panzer music I had saved to it. I would greatly appreciate any help in re-acquiring the tunes from the original, Zwei, and the Alternative Elements.

Tut tut…someone should back up their hard-drive more often.

Anyway, I’m sure we have them kicking about somewhere. Look me up on MSN and I’ll give you some. Guess my e-mail addy? :stuck_out_tongue:

where’d that lord bragma go? he said he had them :frowning:

i need the sea of ice!

Hmmm… I could use the Zwei tunes as well. Does anyone know if the soundtrack is still up for sale? I remember someone posting a link quite awhile ago.

As for PD1 (that’s what you mean by original, right?), can’t you just pull them off the game disc?

Nope. Unless you have special software, you can’t pull them off the disc because it’s a “mixed” disc.

It is possible to rip the tracks from the PD1 CD, you just need to have some CD ripping software such as dbPowerAmp (download.com has it). However, the original soundtrack has some decent extra tracks included on it so you’d be better off acquiring that.

I think I just pulled it off with Windows Media Player. You sure about that?

I never realized there was a PD1 OST. I may have to track that down. Do you know if it has the music from the intro FMV? I’ve always thought of that as the Panzer Dragoon theme song even though it never appears again in any of the other games, and it would nice to get ahold of it.

i didn’t take to the slapfunk guitar that plays when kyle (almost typed lance :D) sees the creatures hanging in the ruins, but i’ll agree that was classic PD.

i really did like the title screen theme to PD (also played when it told you the secret codes) and wished some of those orchestral themes stuck…

but zwei went all electric and saga went all tribalish

It’s a pity that the first soundtrack never was recycled in another game or trailer, somehow they always use Sona Mi Areru Ec Sancitu for those - it is a little special because it sounded much more like a traditional shooter soundtrack, but had some very nice themes.

Just in case you don’t have access I uploaded the theme of the fist Panzer here.

My most favourite track is “Tower”. I don’t know why, it’s just… funky. :slight_smile:

For me, the theme of the series is what starts at 0:15 in “Main Theme” on the Zwei soundtrack. Lala-lala, you know what I mean. :smiley:

It’s funny you gsuy are talking about this cause I lost my soundtracks too :frowning:
All three.I had them saved into sdome CDs so I could have some free room in my harddrive but I lost them :frowning:


i didn’t take to the slapfunk guitar that plays when kyle (almost typed lance :D) sees the creatures hanging in the ruins, but i’ll agree that was classic PD.

i really did like the title screen theme to PD (also played when it told you the secret codes) and wished some of those orchestral themes stuck…

but zwei went all electric and saga went all tribalish[/quote]

Actually, the bit of music I’m referring to is what plays immediately after the boulder falls on the critter chasing Kyle, when you see the blue dragon for the first time. A more vague version of it plays at the very beginning of the intro, and it plays again towards the end, when Kyle is taking off on the Dragon’s back. The song also plays in the game’s ending, when Kyle is standing among the dragon’s footprints.

oh yeah i remember that bit :smiley: when lagi and the dark dragon fly in? that was good. i wonder why they didn’t tend to stay with one style or… just broaden the style. it seemed like each time they intentionally did something that didn’t sound much like the previous.

i’ll tell you another bit of music that effected me in a seemingly similar way to you and your PD intro. in the opening movie to zwei when elpis gets rocked and lundi and lagi stand there for a moment watching, then lagi’s throat lights up and he releases the heavenly arrows… yeah, that little bit of music (along with the entire scene) deeply impressed the sense of danger and mystery into my brain.

I also had a HD crash in December and lost my PD OST, PD Zwei OST, and PD Zwei Alternative Elements; all DLed from Die Welt von Panzer Dragoon.

These are impossible to find now… I wish Solo would cycle the tracks like Craymen did so I could pick them up again.

Have a look in the Gamingforce Forums, I’m sure you can find them there if you don’t feel like hunting them down on eBay. :wink:

Shiny object…