A Panzer Dragoon Saga video review

Someone posted this on Twitter, so I thought I’d pass the link along.


Just watched and…

*“The graphics, they’re very rough but, the art style is amazing”

“But what criticism [there] is, is I get the feeling this game was rushed, and didn’t get the time to put on the final air of polish. My theory(sic?) is, this was one of the last games released on the Saturn, and I imagine they were trying to get this game out before the Saturn was dead.”*

God dammit! Yeah I get it most people don’t appreciate the way Saturn games look, I basically made peace with that fact even 15 years ago, but still… with comments like that you can fuck off!

An otherwise quite nice review gone completely shit at that point. Like, I can’t even imagine a more absurd adjective in relation to Azel than “unpolished”.

omg edeot the game doesnt hvefiltered texture or anti aliasing or antiscropic filtering or bloom ur idiot rushed game stfu

I seem to recall reading from people who are qualified to judge that PDS had some of the best graphics attained by the Sega Saturn, a fact that would probably have become clear to that reviewer through some cursory research. Oh well!

I just felt like qualifying my vitriol there a bit, as it occurred to me this could be someone who contacted you directly Solo. I let the Saturn fanboy completely off leash there, really for this forum only. lol

But that really feels like a punch in the guts, about the game I hold as the most refined and beautiful visuals from the entire generation. I wonder if anyone has ever had the balls to retro-review Zelda:OoT and say something like: “Yes it is a great game, and you can see the genius of what they were attempting, but it seems like it clearly got rushed…”

About the same difference.

I subscribe to the Atom feed for Panzer Dragoon tweets which sometimes contains links to new content: search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=panzer+dragoon

I miss the Saturn. God damn the world to hell. :frowning:

Another PDS video review, although this one is an older review (I’ve seen it on YouTube before).

Yeah , The best console I’ve ever owned and the best games machine to get the best of out of SEGA it’s self .

Best gaming days of my Life , gutted it all gone :frowning: . Nice vids btw the Solo, but can we have embedding on the site at all mate

It’s not a straight forward thing to implement, since every site embeds flash video slightly differently. There is no standard format, as with images (this may change if HTML5 video takes off). Some forums have a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= tag, but that only works for videos hosted on YouTube… far from ideal.

Links do the job well enough for now IMO.


It’s not a straight forward thing to implement, since every site embeds flash video slightly differently. There is no standard format, as with images (this may change if HTML5 video takes off). Some forums have a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= tag, but that only works for videos hosted on YouTube… far from ideal.

Links do the job well enough for now IMO.

I really think it needs to be looked into mate, otherwise the site is perfect[/quote]

Perhaps if it can be implemented cleanly. I actually have a problem with embedded images as they are now, since large images stretch the forum layout. Large videos would cause the same problem.

is there was one game not rushed it was saga