A new RPG and a surprise title from Sega in development

The reason why game companies don’t make announcements about games right away is for several reasons:

  1. It has much more impact to release a media blitz of information, rather than letting it trickle out. Remember how much impact the MGS2 trailer had at E3 2 years ago?

  2. Sometimes, games start development that never go anywhere. There’s no point in wasting money/manpower on doing PR for titles that never end up going anywhere.

And as for Sammy, don’t worry… there’s no way Sammy will turn Sega into an arcade-only company. I mean, hell, Sammy is trying to break into the console industry, too, right? Why would they kill Sega’s console development?

You’d be surprised by the number of Sega fans who think Sammy has completely taken over Sega and plans to sell all of its console development teams to the highest bidder… like EA. :slight_smile:

Sammy is actually developing a new Berserk game for the Playstation 2 at the moment. I wonder how it will compare to Sword of the Berserk for the Dreamcast.

I think SEGA are really the best for RPG’s out of them all.
Square make tuns of them…

But SEGA actally make the better more fun to play.

I think If they Tryed… they could use anyone of there RPG franchises to
knock Square off the top spot.
Lets face it Squares games arent really challangeing to beat these days anyway!

A Shining Force Revial would do it…


Sega could develop the best RPG of all time and yet no one would buy it simply because it doesn’t have the words “Final Fantasy” in the title. The popularity of an RPG series alone is the deciding factor in whether it’s successful or not.

I don’t know. I never thought I’d write this, but Sega doesn’t deserve the reins to the Shining series after releasing two childish Game Boy Advance titles in order to cash in on its namesake. The Shining Force remake is understandable, but still nothing more than a money making excercise.

The creators of the series, Camelot Software Planning, should continue the series or exceed its quality with a new console Golden Sun title. Sega has no intention of creating a new, true Shining game.

Really and truly, there’s no point in hoping Sega will resurrect the old-school RPGs we love.

Imo SOA more than managed to do that, even if it’s a new franschise :slight_smile: It’s quite an old school RPG and an amazing one at that ^_^…

Yeah, and the plans for a sequel died with the Dreamcast. What does that tell you?

That this new RPG can be just as good or better even tho it’s a new franschise so we shouldn’t be so negative just yet ^_^…

Oh and as far as I know SEGA isn’t DEVELOPING any MMORPG, they are just going to PUBLISH Warhammer Online (which looks quite decent so far too)
I hope it does well, I don’t play MMORPGs but if it does well it’s good for SEGA ^_^…

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]That this new RPG can be just as good or better even tho it’s a new franschise so we shouldn’t be so negative just yet ^_^…

I can almost guarantee that this new RPG isn’t meant for long time Sega fans such as us.

I shall remain skeptical until I see the game with my own two eyes.

I never Rule anything out with SEGA.
A new Skies of Arcadia… MAY happen!

I agree Shining Soul 1&2 werent as good as the
Shining Force Series, but I do think SEGA are the best
to remake the Shining Force Series.

The irony is Sega’s Shining Force remake for the Game Boy Advance will be competing with Camelot’s Golden Sun titles – games made by the people who created Shining Force in the first place. The remake doesn’t actually have Camelot in the title screen, but rather, Amusement Vision. So Amusement Vision, you think you can remake a game made by Camelot and call it your own? LMAO.

Yeah I know, Sega owns the series and published all the games, some when Camelot was a Sega development team, but still, why not give credit where credit is due?

The Shining Soul games are a joke. The only reason they bear any resemblance to the original series developed by Camelot is because the artist worked on Shining In The Darkness and Shining Force.

I don’t believe I’ll ever stop resenting how Sega has handled the Shining series. Even Camelot regretted Sega not translating the complete Shining Force 3.

Yer SEGA did compleatly fudge up on Shining Force Series.

With the Shining Force 3 not being fully in english
and Shining Soul 1&2 … being basicly like Diablo.

BUT … SEGA’s Amusement Vision have Actally done a reallly good job with the remake… its not like a quick port there is piles of new stuff.
and i think SEGA were the best people to remake it.
I dont think EVEN Camelot would have done such a good job.

All though I do compleatly agree that they should have given
Camelot some of the credit!
Even if it was there simble at the end of the game next to the sega sign.
Never no maybe there is.

P.S did you play golden sun… i dont think i like that game much!

All Amusement Vision has done with the Shining Force remake is give the graphics engine a facelift (in a lower resolution than the standard Genesis resolution no less) and added a few new characters. Amusement Vision didn’t invent the gameplay or dream up the story.

When Sega starts taking the Shining series seriously and starts developing a console game, then it can take all the credit.

If Sega hadn’t launched the Dreamcast during the development cycle of Shining Force 3, Camelot would still be making Shining games for Sega. Imagine what shape they would take now when you consider how beautiful 3D games have become. Camelot is one of the best RPG developers in the business; perhaps its loss of support contributed to the downfall of the Dreamcast.

Which Shining Force was remade by AV for which system?

Shining Force for the Game Boy Advance.

Fans are still waiting for Shining Force IV, and I’m still waiting for Shining Force III.

Shining Force III?A remake or that episode affair thingy?

Anyways it’s a direct remake of the first one?I never played much of the 1st one cause it seemed to suck a bit (reason : I played it after shining force 2 and was a bit scared by the graphics and the gaemplay).

What I mean to say is I’m still waiting for a game that was never released outside of Japan in its entirety – Shining Force 3. I could almost kill Bernie Stoler (the head of Sega of America at the time of its release) for denying the rest of the world this great RPG.

Do you know what his job was? Quality assurance. What type of person given the job of ensuring a flow of quality games refuses to localise great Japanese Saturn games?

Sega’s handling of the Shining series is totally indefensible. Did you know that Shining Wisdom was translated twice and that the translation done by Sega of Europe exceeded the accuracy of its American counterpart? In the midst of all the inconsistent translations and incomplete games, Sega has the gall to remake a game it didn’t even create for the sole purpose of making money.

So Shining Force III is divided in chapters right?

Yes, the game is divided into three separate stories.

I have a friend who was working at Sega of America at the time this happened. He basically said that they had budget to translate just one game. Because he knew that would not allow for Shining Force 3 to be ported in its entirety he actually argued against translating it (in favor of Grandia, which originally was a Saturn game before it moved to Playstation). He figured a whole of a game was better than a third of one, even if it was Shining Force (and mind you he is a fan of the series himself). But he was overridden so Shining Force Scenario 1 was translated.

But there was never any chance of the entire series coming over. It was not “cut off”. The team working on it knew from the start that part 1 was all the US would ever get.

Also, Shining Wisdom’s US translation was not done by Sega of America. It was licensed out and released by Working Designs (like Atlus was the one who released the US version of Shining Soul). SoA had nothing to do with the US translations of either of those other than rubber stamping their approval.

Sega of America didn’t localise a number of quality Japanese Saturn titles long before the Saturn’s demise, which was unforgivable. Shining Force 3 is a sore spot for me, and I truly believe Sega of America commited a crime by not localising the complete game, no matter the excuses.

As for the Shining series itself, it will never be the same without Camelot, especially if Sega only sees the potential for profit in 2D remakes.