A new Dreamcast shooter

It looks like there’s a new 2D shoot em up coming out for the Dreamcast called Chaos Field. Has anyone been following this game? I hadn’t heard anything about it until recently…

Here’s a link to some more info:

I just dont uderstand why this game is coming out for Dreamcast a dead system. Do they expect to make any money? Are they trying to revive Dreamcast of something?

In Japan, well after any given system “dies,” companies will continue to release low budget shooters and dating sims for several years. The hardcore audiences in Japan are so hardcore, they will continue to buy them (granted, there’s only a few thousand people like that).

Shooters and dating sims can be made literally with 4-5 people, so development costs are extremely low. Which is why they can probably turn a profit based on low sales numbers.

And because Japan is such a small country with nearly all of the population living in a handful of cities, it’s much easier to get your product into key retailers and locations (Akihabara, anyone?) to guarantee that at least the otaku will be able to buy your game.

CHAOS FIELD is meant to hit Gamecube in Febuary 2005. So it’s appearing on two dead systems. :anjou_happy:

looks at his GC It seems every console I buy, ever, seems to fail.

Except in Japan where they go on and on…

looks at his jap DC and realises that this one was the best version to get

That’s why I got my DC modded :slight_smile:

And the GC isn’t failing… It just doesn’t have as much 3rd party support as the other two consoles. Nintendo has enough games to carry itself, I think.

Oh, one more thing… People should probably be aware that using the abbreviation “jap” for “Japanese” really isn’t all that polite. Considering that “jap” is the derogatory term for anyone Japanese, that’d be the equivalent of calling something the “n” word for anything related to black or African culture.

Just an FYI :slight_smile:

[quote=“Abadd”]That’s why I got my DC modded :slight_smile:

And the GC isn’t failing… It just doesn’t have as much 3rd party support as the other two consoles. Nintendo has enough games to carry itself, I think.

Oh, one more thing… People should probably be aware that using the abbreviation “jap” for “Japanese” really isn’t all that polite. Considering that “jap” is the derogatory term for anyone Japanese, that’d be the equivalent of calling something the “n” word for anything related to black or African culture.

Just an FYI :)[/quote]

Well as a machine is just that a machine I don’t think it cares either way…
Unless there’s something about machines that you know than the rest of us?

I think the point of what he said is that it’s an offending racistic word that shouldn’t be used, not that the GC itself will care but that any japanese person or anyone knowing the actual meaning of the word will care :slight_smile:

Regarding the “n” word, I find it a bit hypocritical that black folks say it’s hurtful and racist to say it, yet, what do you hear black folks addressing each other as?

“Wussup my ******?”
“Cool my ****** cool”


[quote=“Abadd”]Oh, one more thing… People should probably be aware that using the abbreviation “jap” for “Japanese” really isn’t all that polite. Considering that “jap” is the derogatory term for anyone Japanese, that’d be the equivalent of calling something the “n” word for anything related to black or African culture.

Just an FYI :)[/quote]

I’ve always been curious about this. How is abbreviating Japanese to “Jap” any more offensive than abbreviating British to “Brit”?

In this case “Jap” just happens to be an offensive term in of itself, regardless of whether or not it’d be a logical abbreviation as well. All these things are arbitrary, after all… just the connotations of words.

[quote]Regarding the “n” word, I find it a bit hypocritical that black folks say it’s hurtful and racist to say it, yet, what do you hear black folks addressing each other as?

“Wussup my ******?”
“Cool my ****** cool”


Although I understand a black’s reasons for rejecting it (because it degenrates into abuse like ‘nigger’, and so on), I’ve personally found it rather peculiar that blacks consider the term ‘Negro’ alone such an affront, especially when Martin Luther King described himself as one. I’ve always been discomfited by ‘black’, as the name seems actually to be the more offensive one, implying the object is common, and so vulgar - whereas the capitalised ‘Negro’ shows that they have a name and so possess a definite identity and the respect and pride accorded to it. And if someone walked up to me in the street and started crying “Look! It’s a Caucasian!”, I wouldn’t go into a mad rage, would I? :anjou_wow:

I suppose that it just demonstrates the potent emotiveness of language and the power a good orator can command with expression…

Anyway, huzzah for more Dreamcast games! Ritually burns copies of Playstation magazines in celebration :anjou_happy:

It’s all about historical context. The term “Negro” was used by white slave owners in a way that was reminiscient of objects or owned goods, rather than an ethnic identity. Therefore, the word was tainted. MLK used it because at the time, that’s what people called them =\

As for “Jap,” same thing. Back in WW2, when America was at war with Japan, the term “Jap” was used as a derogatory term. And it hits closer to home for a lot of Japanese Americans, as they were forced into concen… I mean “internment camps.” :wink:

Particularly in the case of African-Americans and Japanese-Americans, the terms were used in such close historical proximity, the words still carry with them the same venom as they did less than half a century ago. There are still many generations alive that had to endure the use of those terms as means to degrade them, and given what they went through, it’s only polite to show them respect.

As for African-Americans’ usage of the “n” word, there’s a popular misconception. They only refer to each other as “nigga,” not the “n” word proper. It’s something you see from time to time amongst marginalized groups, where they’ll take a word that was originally meant to be derogatory, and in a show of rebellion, will turn and make that term into something that gives them power. The term “queer,” for example, means “strange” and has been used as a derogatory term to describe gays for quite some time. However, that term has been turned into a bit of a cheeky label for many gays. Another term that would show a good example of this is the term “geek.” It’s still a derogatory term for all extensive purposes, but many people wear that badge with pride :slight_smile:

In the case of African-Americans, rather than adopting the word as is, it was changed into slang, and used as a term they use for each other. It doesn’t necessarily give someone outside the culture to use the term, particularly a white person, as it still has its roots in opression.

That explain it for you? :slight_smile:

So…a new Dreamcast shooter you say? :anjou_wow:

Oh, one more thing… People should probably be aware that using the abbreviation “jap” for “Japanese” really isn’t all that polite. Considering that “jap” is the derogatory term for anyone Japanese, that’d be the equivalent of calling something the “n” word for anything related to black or African culture.

Just an FYI :)[/quote]

Fun fact #1 : In Portugal (and in other portuguese-speaking countries) our word for Black is considered insultive just like your Negro word.On the other hand black color people expect to be called Negro (since it’s the polite or uninsultive if you will word) just like they expect to be called Black in america and other english-speaking countries.

Offensive abbreviations:

Jap - Japanese
Paki - Pakistani

Non-offensive terms:

Aussie - Australian
Brit - British

Probably offensive:

Gringo - White Caucasian

Added later:

I would just like to add, sites like Lik-Sang and many others use “Jap” all over:

Games (JAP)
Games (US)

Which was the term i was using for my DC. Anyone who imports systems and games know that this is a regular term for importers to use when describing country of origin.

I think half the people in here complaining why they can’t call black people
you know whats and the fact that some propagandist turned a short abbreviation of the word japan into a racist slur back in WW2 which does n’t hold up today is laughable and pathetic. It basicaly reveals their true feelings on the respective subjects at hand.

I’m… not entirely sure what that last comment actually meant.

…however, I was merely pointing out that some people find it offensive, having suffered racial prejudism first-hand.

And frankly, I highly doubt there was much need for an abbreviated form of “Japanese” until recently, with the globalization of the market, and the primary use of the word “Jap” was derogatory, even before WWII.

Probably offensive:

Gringo - White Caucasian[/quote]

Gringo isn’t offensive! You do know it comes from a song, that name, don’t you? I’d smile if someone called me a gringo.