A fan of the Series since inception

I cant say how much I love this site.

I have been missing my Panzer for quite some time. everyone of them as engaging as the last. so with my xbox 360 in place of my xbox I decided to look around to see if anyone knew if orta would work on that system.

which is how I came to find this incredible site of artwork and fans,
I’ve always felt like a minority when speaking of this game. Lots of people I know simply played it, put it down, and shrugged it off as a railshooter. no better than starfox, or house of the dead. Many times I have explained how incredibly rich and unique this world was. how depth the story went. Most of the time it went on deaf ears.
But Im happy to see so many really feeling and respecting this game the way it should be. Personally the mythos surpasses starwars, and theres enough material here to make a more powerful movie.
hopefully with the rage these days being video game and Superhero movies. we might get that chance.

sup all, I’m MindCHamber.

PS. its obvious the team behind this was inspired by venice,in the first level of the first game. having one being there I couldnt help but imagine the team running around taking shots. then I noticed something interesting.
There was a HUGE glass factory, called Andromeda. Is it possible they were inspired by the name?

well, its still a great site anyways

PS. its obvious the team behind this was inspired by venice,in the first level of the first game. having one being there I couldnt help but imagine the team running around taking shots. then I noticed something interesting.
There was a HUGE glass factory, called Andromeda. Is it possible they were inspired by the name?[/quote]

No - during the development of the Saturn, all of the main teams were given the names of galaxies; as it turns out, Team Andromeda didn’t even like their name at first because it sounded too feminine.

hi there nice to meet you, i’m a newbie to the forums too!

Welcome to the Will of the Ancients.