2 "mini-dragons" : Solo Wing & Base Wing!

Hey, those models are excellent, Zzoull - I especially like the Solo wing. (By the way, I’m kind of new-ish around here, so, er, hi!)

Those models are beautiful, guys! Well done indeed. The Solo Wing and Stinger(?) are especially realistic.

Indeed, excellent work guys!

Those are probally the best models of panzer dragons and ships ive seen! keep up the good work i love it!

Blast from the past huh?

Any chance Zzoull is still a member here? I would love to see this figures, but he must have taken them down.

Hmm, he hasn’t posted here for quite some time now, probably over a year I think. It’s a pity those images are no longer online too, as the models were very nice from what I remember…

To this day I still ask myself if Zzoull or anyone else got the full meaning of my second post…

Wow those are pretty cool, thanks for sharing. I’ve often wanted to make thing like that but never had time or experience to do it.

That stinks. I dont know where alavaliant is seeing them, but I sure cant.

Well the only link I can see is that sonny.ru/images/fighter.jpg one which was posted further on. The first set of links all go nowhere (I initially didn’t say anything as I was looking at work and figured the firewall/proxy server was at fault. But now I’ve tried at home I can’t get to them either.)

Any chance of somebody uploading them to a different server? I’m sure all of us that can’t get access to those urls would love to see them…

Why were these pictures never put into the “fan art” section!?

Good question. Did anybody from back then save a copy of their own computer? It sounds like they are far too good to just lose permantly.

Did you try emailing Zzoull?

Zzoull was planning to take a picture of all the models together in one picture, however, by the looks of things, that never got around to happening.

All the models are available for viewing on his website, however, in the “Panzer” and “Azel” sections (marked by pictures of Azel and the Solo Wing):


[quote=“Solo Wing Dragon”]Zzoull was planning to take a picture of all the models together in one picture, however, by the looks of things, that never got around to happening.

All the models are available for viewing on his website, however, in the “Panzer” and “Azel” sections (marked by pictures of Azel and the Solo Wing):


Thanks Solo, I knew they had to be around somewhere.