Wii availability question

[quote=“Abadd”]Actually, all of the Wii’s technology is fairly common. Nintendo has always had a stance of staying away from bleeding edge technology (something Gumpei Yokoi started).

That being said, I think Nintendo simply grossly underestimated demand and is still just having issues ramping up in all three regions simultaneously. There is some effectiveness to manufactured scarcity, but when you are well past your launch window and there is still demand for it, you are doing yourself a disservice in not capitalizing on that.

In other words - nobody knows except Nintendo =[/quote]

well whatever legitimacy that kotaku article had kinda shoots this whole ‘manufacturing problem’ in the foot. nintendo made their numbers… and now are banking on the demand to stay the same (undermining their consumers) and saving sales for the next fiscal year.

And your proof is? Conspiracy Theory How To doesn’t qualify.