The Old Fan Art Contributions Topic

A collection of fan art contributions that have already been added to the site, merged into one topic for your convenience.

In the spirit of ‘Art Commissioner’ Azel '98:
“This is a drawing of Azel letting out a fart and thinking, ooh, I’m becoming more and more human. They nerai’d Kenny?”
I’ll help myself out the door.


While I was continuing my off and on unpacking, I found one of my fan arts of Azel and Edge I did way back in January of this year. I used matte and gloss acrylic paints for the colors and then a correction pen for highlights on the eyes, hair and faces. This was done on painting paper. Hopefully I find the rest of my fanart in boxes, if not I’ll have to draw all new ones! Hope you like it!


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Panzer Dragoon Saga gun (1)

This Commission I paid for was Late but the Artist Gave me a good Deal:

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I used my dragon from a previous image and added a new background to create this!

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A little art in celebration of the upcoming Panzer Dragoon remake! I am so happy about it right now :slight_smile: Welcome back to the Blue Dragon!

I call this “With Trumpets I Arrive” named in honor of the chills I felt when I heard the trumpets in the trailer :slight_smile:

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So this was a halloween pumpkin I made last year but I forgot to post it here.

So here is my pumpkin of Azel. Yeah it is not the most aesthetic looking pumpkin but oh well.

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By TB Samurai.

I showed my husband this before I actually started coloring it and he thought it was a moth at first. It’s been a while since I last drew this awesome dragon.