The next Panzer Dragoon game's time period and setting

Well yeah, it’s just a thought. The Azel thing would have been something we don’t see in the beginning of the game or anything, the player could possibly not even know of it at all unless he/she connects the dots of dialogues and clues left behind. Say, Azel decides to put the drone to “sleep” after her search is done, that drone being more of a robot than a human like Azel at that point, but something happens (even long, long after these incidents, it could be post-Orta at that point, never meeting any known characters) and it decides to wake up (or just not go back to “sleep” after something else wakes it up), influenced by what it saw up to that point, and that’s the part we first see in the game. A “child” that was put to bed instead wakes up and ponders over what happened and what it should do now, all alone at that point, with its mission on one side, and the influence from Azel on the other side subconciously driving it toward reaching out to not being alone, first towards the ancient machinery around it, then to humans when/if it realises that these are just machines, and cannot provide what it’s now longing for. And regardless of what it chooses to do, once interaction with the outside world occurs, things will start getting very complicated, as always in the Panzer Dragoon world.

Anyway, whatever they’d do, maybe they could make a Panzer game on the cheap (relatively), with aesthetics similar to thatgamecompany’s upcoming PS3 title, Journey.

Pretty, but perhaps also abstract enough to not conflict with one’s imagination…

Hell no, its a panzer dragoon game, its full of colors and intricate patterns, so it needs the latest graphics, i wouldn?t be satisfied at all if it looked like that journey.

Again I personally can’t wish for more direct exposition of events we already know about, some of those ideas are already getting dangerously close to Star Wars prequel trilogy incestuous fanservice territory. And I think Orta already caught enough flak on that front? And the general Majora’s Mask style time jumping thing could be cool, but could more easily become a disaster in practice.

Those Journey images may not be in line with the style of PD at all, but I do think a similarly impressionistic sensibility could serve the series better than the level of realism cutting edge visuals now tend to deliver.

[quote=“The Ancient”]Again I personally can’t wish for more direct exposition of events we already know about, some of those ideas are already getting dangerously close to Star Wars prequel trilogy incestuous fanservice territory. And I think Orta already caught enough flak on that front? And the general Majora’s Mask style time jumping thing could be cool, but could more easily become a disaster in practice.

Those Journey images may not be in line with the style of PD at all, but I do think a similarly impressionistic sensibility could serve the series better than the level of realism cutting edge visuals now tend to deliver.[/quote]

Couldn?t disagree more, i think that only cutting edge graphics can deliver the feeling inherent to panzer dragoon

Well, for it’s time there wasn’t much of anything more “cutting edge” than Shadow of the Colossus IMO. And perhaps partly by virtue of the limitations of being on PS2, but also greatly by virtue of more post-processing(ish) efforts and the resulting holistic impression, it came closer to the sort of atmosphere of the Saturn trilogy than Orta, again IMO.

But “cutting-edge” and “realistic” are in no sense synonymous to me, perhaps I’m just weird like that. :anjou_happy:

I think Alex makes a good point. A low budget Panzer Dragoon game could still capture the sense of the Panzer Dragoon world, especially if the artists choose the appropriate colours and the writers picked appropriate themes. It wouldn’t need to feature the amount of cinematic action from the previous titles to feel like a Panzer game, although there’s a lot that can be done with 2.5D (if it went down that route).

Maybe an Xbox Live Arcade/Playstation Network game?

The colors and style could maybe resemble the watercolor-ish Zwei art seen at the credits. The next Zelda is going for an artistic style too. Though it’s not so visible in screens or the few videos we have (which are all from an unfinished version of the game and an area made for E3 alone), from what I read it’s a bit like a depth of field effect, which kicks in for the more distant areas, and isn’t static. You can kinda see it in this shot. Maybe more so here and here, though these are low quality snapshots from videos. Of course, this isn’t a low budget game or anything, and they still need the visuals made properly for the up close versions of them, but I like the idea anyway, so much I don’t think they should restrict it to the distant view only, but apply it on everything.