Tekken 5 Online is now officially a better investment than

Frankie, you used the word “investment” and I also used the word “investment” very deliberately. Therefore I can only assume your substitution for the word “value” in your response was equally deliberate… as in deliberately running away from the point.


I invite everyone, but most especially you Frankie, to remind themselves of how this started. You made your grandiose proclamation in your “official” thread, all in good humor I’m sure, and I responded entirely in kind. You said your bit, I said mine, the world was turning, life was good. Then it was you who clearly decided we weren’t taking you seriously enough, and you who cranked this topic into full on “debate” gear. So you really only leave one appropriate response to that part…

ROFL! :anjou_happy:

[quote=“Scott”]firstly… is that real =O

secondly, i prefer soul calibur 1 over its sequels, and VF and tekken 5

how would you think soul calibur compares to the latest fighting games out? even tho it was a first wave DC game i still havn’t found a fighting game to compare to it[/quote]

It’s real - although SC4 isn’t actually out yet, it’s headed to PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2008. Another game called Soul Calibur Legends is going to be released on the Wii.

I prefer the Soul Calibur games over Virtua Fighter and Tekken - just a personal preference, perhaps just because I find weapons based fighting more interesting.

Heretic, while this did get pretty steamy in the realm of debate, I think it never (thankfully) came down to name-calling or anything too nasty.

I think it was actually a good example of people trying to build up their “view(s)” of what “value” means to them in a fighting game.

You’re right in thinking that I wasn’t THAT serious about the entire thing, I was just excited about the overall quality of Tekken Online for the total price, and felt the need to make a comparison to it’s closest game “relative”, and you’d also be right in thinking that I was ready for exactly this type of debate if you look at my opening statement in my first post.

People simply don’t care about extras if they hold VF5 in a higher regard for whatever reason. And frankly, that’s their perogative, I think that the verdict will ALWAYS be OUT on which of these games is better. (And for what it’s worth, my favorite 3D fighter is DOA 2 Hardcore … I think that’s the most balanced one in the series.)

That’s about what my only initial point was anyway, any hard-core fan of VF obviously isn’t a fan because of the number of characters or extra bullshit game modes. To even base a comparison on that serves no purpose other than criticizing VF for something it has never ever been about.

That said yeah it’s a shame VF5 wont have online play for the PS3, but again, if online really matters to anyone then they obviously wont be getting it on PS3 at this point.

For that matter, I still am iffy about online in the 360 VF5, considering we’re dealing with a game where the timeframe for a succesful counter is less than a tenth of a second. A ping of 33 would be enough to throw that careful timing off, while on most games a ping of 33 is a very respectable amount of lag.