Shenmue Duology

At GAME we’re taking pre-orders for Shenmue 3 already…[/quote]

Oh man!

Do GAME know something we don’t?

Please, fill us in, Pete :smiley:

Oh cool, are you taking preorders for Panzer Dragoon 5 aswell? Because the public knows more about that than S3.

Yeah I read this news article about a lot of stores taking Doom 3 (I don’t care for this game, it’s just something that I read and thought it fit to write here) pre-orders but when Id (the developers) was asked they said they are just trying to take their $ as the company does NOT take pre-orders at this time…
Maybe that’s the case with GAME and Shenmue 3 too…Last we knew the game hadn’t even gotten the green light for development yes? Or even that he wanted to make it a movie or something like that? I doubt retailers would know better than what’s been out in the public anyway… Publishers would, but retailers, I don’t think so…


Pre-orders are free to do so the company isn’t making any extra money with them.
We just have a release schedule sent to us every week with up-coming games, games in development and announced games. Shenmue 3 happens to be in that list along with a pre-order code for us to put in the till if anyone wants to pre-order it.
The release date given changes from week to week. Sometimes it Q2 2004 (Second quater of 2004- April to June) and sometimes it’s To Be Announced but if people want to put down a pre-order then I’m not there to stop them. (Besides, the more pre-orders I get in a day the better I look!)

Of course, the release scedule we get isn’t always the most reliable. One strange thing I’ve noticed is that in the GameCube section, Sonic Heroes is due to be released on December the 5th and is classed as a Cube Exclusive but there are still release dates for the same game on Xbox and PS2…although the PS2 title is called Sonic Hero. (Heh, maybe the PS2 can’t handle 3 characters on screen at once)

LOL! I wouldn’t be surprised :smiley: