Sestren, behind the entity

Wow Kadamose, and here you’ve been thinking there wasn’t anything good in Orta’s story… :anjou_happy:

I said it would make an interesting story…I did NOT say that Orta was a good story because it’s not.

Kadamose, regarding your long reply to my long reply: I think you’re missing my point. I’m not arguing that this explanation doesn’t make sense within the logic of the fictional setting: as I’ve said, I agree that it more or less does. My point is that there seems to be little objective evidence to suggest that it’s the one real explanation the writer(s) might have intended, out of the myriad explanations possible.

EDIT: To clarify, I wasn’t saying that the theory we’re talking about fails to explain that list of questions I posted (and I really wasn’t challenging you to answer them)! I was just pointing out that the game gives us no real facts regarding them, so it doesn’t seem possible for any guessed explanation to be more authoritative than any other when it comes to these things.

[quote=“Abadd”]- Seekers hating Orta

Who said that they hated Orta? Who said they were trying to lock her in?[/quote]

Abadd, would you believe that when I wrote that I actually thought “is Abadd going to swoop in and berate me for making this generalisation?” =) Rest assured I know it’s not necessarily so clear cut, I just wanted to keep things brief.

Makes sense doesn’t it? You could argue that they planned to each transfer their consciousness into these new bodies, or simply wanted clones of themselves to live on.

After all, the ancients weren’t quite sane. Turning their minds into ones and zeros would have been easy for them. But then, consider the source. >:)

And Abadd, I hope that if the series does continue in one form or another, none of this wonderful lore is “retconned”.

Goes back to WoW.

I’d hate to disappoint! :wink:

WOW! There was a lot of Sestren i did not even know. I still did not like it how Edge died, even though he was a “temporary vessel”.

In other cases, I say the seekers were attacked and ambushed by someone and they were killed.

[quote=“Abadd”]- Seekers hating Orta

Who said that they hated Orta? Who said they were trying to lock her in?[/quote]

What else would they be trying to do, lock her out? :smiley:

Although, I can see where you’re coming from. The seekers could have treated her a lot worse (from what we’ve seen). They even gave her earrings.

I wonder if the seekers were trying to protect themselves from Orta or protect Orta from herself.

Well, they sure as hell didn’t spare much consideration for her ‘feelings’ about anything. They didn’t tell her anything about herself, what they did tell her was all foreboding and pejorative, they chained her up and convinced her she was essentially evil. Irrespective of their reasons, from Orta’s perspective they were just total assholes. I can easily see how fear of their charge was the main motivation, but they seemingly didn’t regard Orta as a ‘person’ that might deserve some social concern.

If they weren’t merely holding her out of simple fear and ignorance, I can only guess they were locking Orta away from other’s who might want her, as the Empire ultimately did.

Oh, I’m not saying that they treated her as well as they should. It’s just that I think they could have treated her worse, by chaining her somewhere with no daylight, only being fed scraps of bread and water, naked and treated like an animal. At least they treated her like a human prisoner, rather than the half-“monster” she technically is.

But yeah, you are right in every respect. She was only a child. The seekers were far too black and white in their choice to imprison Orta. As it turned out, she wasn’t so dangerous to them after all, and could have helped them greatly against the Empire.

Well… I for one do my best to waste every target in Yellico Valley every time, including the seekers, dunno about you. It seems they had good enough reason to fear her in my game…

Hmm, yes, it sounds like it’s time that I played Orta again. Somehow I had completely forgotten that there was seeker enemies in that first episode, as well as the imperial ships and dragonmares. :anjou_embarassed:

Now that you mention it that might not make sense, but I’d always had the impression the stationary things you can shoot at must be part of the valley defenses. Maybe I just like the idea of indiscriminate vengeance at that point? shrug

I think you are actually right about them being Seeker defenses. Here’s their description from the Panzer Dragoon Orta encyclopedia. Sorry, I don’t have pictures for it, but I believe this is the stationary target you’re referring to: … annons.php

I think you are actually right about them being Seeker defenses. Here’s their description from the Panzer Dragoon Orta encyclopedia. Sorry, I don’t have pictures for it, but I believe this is the stationary target you’re referring to: … annons.php

OK, so there was a reason I thought so, I do remember reading that as I know I’ve read everything in Orta at some point. My XBOX hasn’t been set up for almost a year though… I just finished Stubbs the Zombie for the first time, but on 360 emulation since it actually corrects the aspect ratio, a seriously under-appreciated game. At this point it looks like MS is indeed punking out on the backwards compatiblity updates, I despair of ever being able to play Orta on the 360. :anjou_sigh:

Actually, it’s not a matter of MS “punking out,” it might actually not be possible to emulate some of the games on the X360. It’s actual emulation, rather than sticking in the old chips like Sony does. Their solution guarantees a much more thorough library of compatibility, but adds expense onto the console.

With the X360, the jump in power is significant enough so that they can simply emulate a lot of the Xbox games, but some games (like Orta) may have been built in a way that makes it too difficult to do so. We may never get to see those on X360 (at least, not in any reasonable time frame).

My point being that the recent additions to the roster, or lack thereof, don’t inspire any hope that they’ll be trying very hard anyway…

It’s possible to emulate Orta, but there is probably a considerable amount of work involved for a game that isn’t widely available anymore. Microsoft aren’t going to see much/any financial gain in emulating some of the sleeper hits from the Xbox library which aren’t likely to sell many more 360s or copies of the game.

It’s going to especially hard to emulate games that need lots of extra code written on a game by game basis (as opposed to games that use generic libraries such as those Barbie games which were among the first emulated).

I’d personally love to play Orta in high definition. But yeah… it’s looking very unlikely because of the above reasons. Selling some additional Live content only for 360 (like what they’re doing with the new Halo 2 maps) might make the conversion a bit more worthwhile for Microsoft/Sega… but I don’t see it happening.

Sorry I dont have a plausable responce to your concerns, but all I want to say is that the title to this thread sounds like a channel 4 documentary.

Dispatches: Sestren - Behind the Entity. Thursday 9.00pm

Bye !!!

Hmmm, after reading this, I played Orta Episode 6 and 7 several times and I think I know some.

Q:Why wasn’t Azel able to be with Orta while she grew up?
A:Perhaps her fate is with Edge or became part of Sestren. Azel probably knows she won’t see Orta growing up in this quote:

(( You may lead a life of hardships,
but know that I will always be here. ))

Q:How did Orta end up in the care of Seekers who hated her?
A:I don’t think they hate her. It is possible that Azel was talking about having a child when she meets Gash and maybe Lagi again(watch the PDS ending). Like what Kadamose said about Orta’s imprisonment, Gash probably told his kind every single thing about Orta when he has Orta, causing the seekers to think, use and treat her as a weapon.

Q:Why does the Sestren network now use Azel’s voice?
A:Maybe she became part of Sestren or controlling Sestren(See the quote above).

Q:Why couldn’t Abadd revive his masters?
A:Sestren controls the ancients too. Once Sestren is gone, they’re gone too. Even rebooting Sestren won’t do any good(But I could be wrong).

Q:Why was Azel able to create a new Drone if Abadd couldn’t?
A:Abadd wasn’t special as Azel is.

I guess all these questions that the series left is what makes it so good. Maybe Smilebit wants us to think about it.