Sega beats Profits Forecast

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]

Whether this will lead to a new SHENMUE 3? I think yes…[/quote]

I really don’t simply becasue anmy game as to be made with at least getting its development budget back.
And even though the ground work been done you?re still looking at 20 to 30 million dollars to develop Shenmue III for next gen graphics and game worlds.
For Shenmue to make thagt sort of money it will have to be multi million sellers , and I just can?t see Shenmue ever doing that .

SEGA should use it bankers to get it could name back a Multi player versions of SEGA RALLY III, Daytona III ect. That will please the faith take nowhere near the sort of investment Shenmue III or SAGA II would take . And if nothing else SEGA could also make money onthe Arcade versions.

Maybe after them taking off and maybe some updates to SEGA classic like Burning Rangers . SEGA will be ready to take the risk of Shenmue III and peolle will trust the SEGA game enough to buy the game

That’s what Sega is doing with western orienated games like CONDEMNED.
Remember in Japan Sega manage to win back the Japanese public since they traditionally don’t go for sega home software/console products until the saturn and by the time of the DC,Sega was a dirty name down there. But that’s turnaround now and Sega makes regular assaults in the Japanese top ten.

Hopefully these games will entice casual players to buy them but they would also need a Sega japan produced game that attracts the American western gamer. Forget the arcade games since that is not where the problem lies,it’s their home division and since american gamers love the SHENMUE series it’s a no brainer to cash in on it. maybe that’s what the premise of SHENMUE ONLINE was about to reintroduce the franchise to new players by taking an action RPG route,similar to PHANTASY STAR’s reintroduction to the current gaming generation.


[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]Thanks TA. Now i hope this settles the matter and stop this Sammy doing better than Sega mythology that is pandering around the internet.

I don’t care anymore,as long as these profits from their kiddie girlie games and panchinko enables Sega to finace a new PANZER DRAGOON RPG,than i would be a very happy Rub Bunnie.[/quote]

Exactly. If the SF NEOs, Shadow the Hedgehogs and Fist of the North Star pachinko machines fund the Rez, Shenmues and PD’s of the future, then long may they continue.[/quote]

problem is that games like SHADOW and NEO may be the norm for sega from now on and games like PDS will be the rareity instead of being the common.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]That’s what Sega is doing with western orienated games like CONDEMNED.
Remember in Japan Sega manage to win back the Japanese public since they traditionally don’t go for sega home software/console products until the saturn and by the time of the DC,Sega was a dirty name down there. But that’s turnaround now and Sega makes regular assaults in the Japanese top ten.

Hopefully these games will entice casual players to buy them but they would also need a Sega japan produced game that attracts the American western gamer. Forget the arcade games since that is not where the problem lies,it’s their home division and since american gamers love the SHENMUE series it’s a no brainer to cash in on it. maybe that’s what the premise of SHENMUE ONLINE was about to reintroduce the franchise to new players by taking an action RPG route,similar to PHANTASY STAR’s reintroduction to the current gaming generation.[/quote]

I know that , but making SEGA Rally III will please the faithfull just as much, Take a hell of lot less money to make, and would appeal to a winder audience than what Shenmue III could . Plus if all esle fails it would make a most of its money back inthe Arcades .

Nobody would love to see a new Saga, or Shenmue but those would take massive investments , and big risks for SEGA . Though in saying that with all the hype Shenmue III and the cry’s for SAGA II They might just sold loads after all

That’s a given and whose to say Sega isn’t doing a SEGA RALLY 3,but …
the point is that I was talking about the home division and not the arcade division.

Anyway from those figures you posted,TA is it correct to say that both the consumer division and the arcade division together only made 20% of the overall profits?

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]That’s a given and whose to say Sega isn’t doing a SEGA RALLY 3,but …
the point is that I was talking about the home division and not the arcade division.

Anyway from those figures you posted,TA is it correct to say that both the consumer division and the arcade division together only made 20% of the overall profits?[/quote]

I hope so :slight_smile: .
I’m just saying that even a new NiGHTS or Burning Rangers would be a far less of an risk to take, that the kind of inverstment/risk Shenmue III would take .
Maybe SEGA will update those 1st and test the water to see if the market is ready for the kind of In-House games SEGA likes to make and then go for Shenmue III The trouble is it hasn’t worked so far.

REZ, JSRF, ORTA, SEGA GT 2002, Out Run II were stunners and it must have been somthing else , other than just SEGA poor markerting as to why these games never sold better . If we could find the answer to that SEGA troubles would over ;). It not as if, even this gen they’ve made bad games , even in this state they’ve been one of the better 3rd party’s

As for SEGA profits from what I read SEGA Arcade and Toy divsions made another round of great profits but the Consumer side made a rather big loss.
After opening studios and get ready for the nexdt gen ect .
Also bare in mind SEGA had to fight a court case of some death, and I think opened some 3 new Arcades centres which hit the bottom line

The reason i’m asking is that some wiseass is trying to make out that Sega only contributed 20% of the overall profits which cannot be. Since you know the actual figures sega made i wanted you to tell me so i can shut him up. So, please help!

Taken from their financial report:

Pachinko: + ?46,408 million
Amusement machine sales: + ?4,512 million
Amusement center operations: + ?4,333 million
Consumer Business: - ?4,332 million
Others: - ? 430 million

Total operating income: + ?49,894 million

Looks like Pachinko sales were responsible for about 90% of the total operating income.