Resident Evil 4 is no longer a GCN exclusive

Lance : You said enhancing the experience (and i admit im ignorant as far as survival horrors are concerned); but isn’t the experience all about feelnig scared?

I’m not saying it is.I’m just asking what fans like in them because I really don’t know (not that i don’t understand : i just haven’t played survival horrors period).

And you expect Capcom to say, “Nah… We’ll ignore our fans/stockholders/common sense and sell less copies of this game than we could potentially. Because, hey… despite the hype behind this game and how there are millions of people looking forward to it, we don’t actually need to sell it to everyone who wants a copy, right?”[/quote]

Oh, so that’s why I had to ****ING IMPORT Megaman 15th Anniversairy collection? Now it all makes sense!

It IS coming out for the Xbox.

Has someone already put it : spong is not really known for beeing truthful.
Geoff already posted that link btw.

You are slipping badly Narayan :slight_smile:

I’d say the “experience” is really meant to be the experience of a good action-adventure game, just an action-adventure game with a distinct style. For example, the “scare” moments seem to make the games feel tense rather than outright frightening (which I don’t think any of the Res Evils are), because you’re often not quite sure what’s going to happen next; and as this really gets your mind working about what might happen next, you get a little more immersed in the experience. For example, in RE:CV there’s a point where you enter a room and hear a continual tapping sound; most people explore that room in a pretty nervous way because they’re worried about what the tapping sound might be. Things like that aren’t outright scary, but they make the experience more interesting than it might be otherwise.

What games like Res Evil really try and do is make your adventure feel like a challenge, something that’s going to be hard to overcome. Not only do you have zombies lurching out of cupboards and mutant dogs crashing through windows, but you’re generally low on ammo too, and you’re confronted with puzzles that initially seem pretty confusing. So even if survival horror games really aren’t scary most of the time, they have a dark and fairly tense atmosphere that sets them apart from similar games in the adventure genre.

[quote=“GehnTheBerserker”]Has someone already put it : spong is not really known for beeing truthful.
Geoff already posted that link btw.

You are slipping badly Narayan :)[/quote]

Sigh, I guess this is payback for never reading the thread thoroughly.

I liked the Fatal Frame port from the PS2, even though it didn’t sell well as far as I know. Of course everytime the survival horror genre pops up someone always mentions Silent Hill 1 as being so great for some reason. Shame I will never play that game, sold my ps1 years ago.


Capcom unloads its denial shotgun into Xbox Resi 4 rumour, but the damn thing just keeps crawling…

11:14 Rumours have been shuffling around the internet all weekend that Resident Evil 4 would be making the leap to Xbox, and like Ving Rhames in Dawn of the Dead Capcom have tried to stop it in its tracks by shooting it in the head.
The flurry of speculation follows last week’s announcement that Capcom would be porting the previously GameCube-exclusive title to PS2 late next year. The rumour-mongers were given encouragement over the weekend when a website “exclusively” reported that the title would also be hitting Xbox around the same time as the PS2 version.

The confirmation was allegedly made during a private conversation at our very own glamorous Golden Joysticks aftershow party. We were at the soiree ourselves and can confirm that many shandies were being enjoyed and many tongues were subsequently being loosened.

Nonetheless, we’ve spoken to Capcom this morning and they’re standing firm with the official line: “At present we are focusing on completing the GameCube version and beginning development on the PS2 version. Whether Resident Evil 4 will appear on other platforms has not yet been determined.”

It’s clear where the rumours have come from. Capcom’s initial announcement about the PS2 version did not mention any other specific platforms but was also careful not to rule them out, and today’s statement is defiant yet similarly non-committal.

What’s not clear is whether the rumour has any basis in hard fact or just intelligent guesswork. Our guess is that the rumours are false: Capcom don’t have a huge catalogue of titles on Xbox and the console does not perform strongly enough in Japan to guarantee sales.

But, just like the zombies that populate the Resident Evil series, it looks like this rumour will keep on relentlessly doing the rounds. As soon as more information bites us on the arse we’ll let you know.

Graeme Boyd "


Why must you always be the bearer of bad news, Gehn? :anjou_happy:

Capcom has been very careful not to confirm or deny a possible Xbox conversion of Resident Evil 4, which suggests that Capcom is giving the possibility some careful consideration. All things considered, converting Resident Evil 4 to the Xbox would be much easier than downgrading it for the Playstation 2. It would almost be a breeze by comparison…

Also, I think it would be a bit hypocritical for Capcom not to port the game to the Xbox after stating that they wanted to release the game for the widest possible audience.

Interestingly enough, Capcom have a tendency to give into Sony demands for games. The Megaman series as an example, Sony wanted MM8 on their console, and they got it (albeit a downgraded version). Sony wanted a 3D Megaman game (which makes as much sense as 3D Worms, let’s be honest here) and they got it. And it looked like a 32X game.

I was actually hoping that Capcom would join Tecmo (makers of Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden) in completely abandoning Sony.

One can only hope.

I can’t wait to see the Playstation 2 conversion job of Resident Evil 4 though; there’s no way in hell the PS2 can handle a decent conversion of a game that pushes even the GameCube to its very limits.

Laugh.This is an order.