PS3 concerns ignite Xbox 2 support?

Of course there will be Sega Games for the xbox 2 launch , and if not , then in the first couple of months after it…

That’s a good point abadd , most of the people don’t care for more exotic settings … there was a strategy game released for pc , it was called Shogun , as far as i know , it got a good press feedback , but didn’t sell at all. one of it sequels , called “Medieval” was basically the same game , just with a medieval setting and was at the top of the charts …
I enjoyed otogi pretty much …i remember that i had to search on ebay for it , because no store had it in stock and i don’t even blame them for that. Games like that will never sell well , even with the right advertising.
you have to bring out a game with some calvin klein guy fighting some 08/15 demons . or bring out a racing game with that special “fast and the Furious”-feeling to make these i****s out there spend their money …
or just patch a sticker with the word “final fantasy” on it… and don’t forget your standard hiphop-OST , because people looove hiphop…
that’s why 90% of the people choose vanilla or chocolate ice-cream , because they’re afraid to try something new…it just makes me sick … it’s because of people like that , that EA games are selling so well…people WANT the same stuff again and again …

btw , where’s Rez 2 ?


[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]
All they have to go on is the games that were popular with the
sega fanbase and systems.[/quote]

Honestly, though… What else does Sega have? Almost every attempt at a new franchise has failed. And that’s not a Sega-specific problem. Almost every game company suffers from this.

[quote=“Goonboy Panzer”]That’s why a PDS
sequel,ETERNAL ARCADIA 2 and even a new GOLDEN AXE will happen because they were popular with Sega fans.[/quote]

Okay, Golden Axe was popular, but Skies 2? PDS 2? Since when were these big selling games? They appealed to a very small niche. Sure, they were very high quality titles, but I would hardly call them “popular,” seeing as Panzer was almost non-existant in the US and Skies hardly broke 100k units on the DC.

Uh… sorry to rain on your parade, but… they have? Sonic was a success, but that is a given. VF succeeded for the first time, sure, but anything else? Not really. Sega’s been moderately successful on the Gamecube, has had horrible sales on the Xbox, and less than satisfactory sales on the PS2. Where are you getting off saying Sega has “won over the casual gamer”?

If you read the rest of my post, you’d understand why it seems like that. Sega was a first party developer, and unless you’ve got such a HUGE backing of 3rd party developers like Sony does, you need to fill in the gaps in the lineup with your own funky stuff. It was a matter of survival.

This is purely the Japanese way of doing business. Yu Suzuki helped make Sega what it is today, so, just like any other old-school Japanese company would, they catered to his every whim. It’s purely a cultural thing.

And look at the level of creativity/quality in Nintendo titles vs. Sega titles. Each title released goes through a very painful process of gameplay testing and polishing, so only the best gets put out. Sega spits stuff out the door like there’s no tomorrow. Guess who’s doing better?

Hahahaha… This is in comparison to the army of developers who will be putting their best content on the PS3?

The marketplace is a very, very, very different place now than it was back then. Aside from EA, the market was still dominated by Japanese developers. Every day, Japanese developers are becoming more and more irrelevant. Out of the top 10 videogames this year, I think only 2 were Japanese. Besides, when did Konami or Square state that they were “changing their minds”?

As for the comment about Sega holding on for one more year, that was completely out of Sega’s control. Retailers were shrinking retail space for the DC as sales lagged, which discouraged developers even more from producing stuff on the DC. It was a downward spiral that was costing Sega too much money. If Sega had held on for another year, chances are, Sega wouldn’t even be around today.

The negative opinions surrounding the DC first stemmed from the poor planning of Sega’s previous hardware launches, and the general lack of “mainstream” games on Sega consoles. DCs strongest points were sports and hardcore games, but if casual users could get Madden on other consoles, what did it matter if there were hardcore games on the DC? Nobody cared.

Uh… Begged? Proof? Nintendo was the one who pissed off Square originally after the SNES, and I can almost guarantee that it was Nintendo that begged Square. And where did you see that Square was “interested” in Xbox 2? Well, I’m sure most developers are “interested,” but that doesn’t mean squat until they release a game.

And where, exactly, is this coming from? They’re doing great on the PS2.

3 years ago. And look where it’s gotten them. The RE series has suffered lackluster sales since they moved to GC, and now they’re crawling back to the PS2 for RE4. Coincidence? I think not. Capcom knows where its money is.

The first half of this statement is true, but losing market share??? I think not. There may be temporary fluctuations in the overall marketshare, but Sony stays very much in the lead. And eventually, yes, Sony will begin to lose marketshare to the Xbox. However, only because at that point, everyone will own a PS2.

Guh? Increasing growth of Japanese developers for PC???

I say again: ???

I have no idea where you got that from. Aside from FFXI, I don’t know a single Japanese-developed PC game (originally developed for PC, that is… and not even FFXI is).

And besides, third party always decides who is most popular.[/quote]

This the best you can do? HAHAHA!!! Boy that made my night which up to now was a boring evening. Thanks for the entertainment! Your ignorance is astounding…and funny.

Goonboy Panzer, as far as I can see Abadd’s points are pretty valid with a decently thought out reply for most if not all of the rushed assumptions you made in your previous post. Especially when compared to your new “omg you are ignorant, kthxbai” point. I’d also like to ask you to behave and not disrespect long time members out of nowhere like that. It makes you look bad and has no use other than that, I assume that you are here because you like the general atmosphere of the forums, not because you wish to start annoying people :anjou_sigh:

Kheel, the Rez developer has disbanded Sega and will be creating the sequel to Rez with a different name since Sega holds the rights to that. If I remember right he was going to go for a PSP or Nintendo DS version… But don’t quote me on that, I don’t remember the interview well, perhaps someone else can reply about this.

Rome: Total War rocks :anjou_love:

thanks for the info al3xand3r =)
you mean the projects “lumines” and “meteos” for psp and ds ?
the problem is that i don’t want to buy a psp or ds , and on the little screen it wouldn’t be the same audiovisual experience as Rez was … =(

i hope that i don’t get too much off topic …sry

You never know. Sega may hold everything back for the Playstation 3 in a bid to remain on the winning side.


If only goonboy knew the truth… I’m sure there are several people on these boards who are laughing quietly at their monitors right now :slight_smile:

Sega has nothing, Geofrrey. If they come out with one above average game within the next 5 years I will be astonished.

And… hi Kheel. <3


If only goonboy knew the truth… I’m sure there are several people on these boards who are laughing quietly at their monitors right now :)[/quote]

Goonboy isn’t a bad guy really. I’ve discussed Sega with him many times at Shining Force Central.

One of the things that we usually agree on is that Sega of Japan’s arrogance almost killed Sega.

Where I’m a pessimist, and you’re a realist, he’s an optimist.

We shall see. The next generation consoles will be capable of doing almost anything, so it should be interesting to see what Sega has to offer.

Most accurate description of the differences between you and me. evar. :smiley:

I just found it funny that Goonboy thinks I’m ignorant to the inner workings of Sega, that’s all :slight_smile:


I don’t have anything to contribute to this topic, but welcome back my friend :anjou_happy:

Yeah I was going to say welcome back myself.Welcome back Kheel.

Btw concerning the topic : regardless of what anyone says the Sega XBox games I played so far were all top notch games.If there is something called “magic” I believe a company doesn’t loose that magic just like that…

I haven’t really played any Sega games outside of the the XBox and that might be the reason why I haven’t really been dissappointed by the new Sega’s work so far (as far as the games they DO release is concerned anyways).

I really wouldn’t be too worried about Sega,they will eventually crawl out of their situation.And I hope that the moment they do so they release a new console…

I hope they don’t. It just wouldn’t be workable. Or the same.

thanks for the warm welcome =)

there will never be another sega console . take a look at the current situation on the market and consider the fact , that the development of a console needs more and more financial ressources with each new generation ( and sega obviously hasn’t got too much of them )
did you know that they don’t make any profit by selling concoles anymore ?
in fact , it’s the exact opposite , they loose money with each sold console , microsoft is loosing money with each xbox they sell , it’s the games that make profit … and this only happens after a few months… you need billions to backup the launch of a console …

[quote=“Al3xand3r”]Goonboy Panzer, as far as I can see Abadd’s points are pretty valid with a decently thought out reply for most if not all of the rushed assumptions you made in your previous post. Especially when compared to your new “omg you are ignorant, kthxbai” point. I’d also like to ask you to behave and not disrespect long time members out of nowhere like that. It makes you look bad and has no use other than that, I assume that you are here because you like the general atmosphere of the forums, not because you wish to start annoying people :anjou_sigh:


Hmph. An over reaction if i do say so myself. None of his points were valid
and none of my points were rushed out assumptions either. This is the typical “How dare this noob can presume too much” mentality. They were opinions no more and no less but because you know him longer than me you believe him and try and warn me for expressing my self. I did not personally insult him. I just don’t agree with his comments. So i don’t care if you and your ilk wish to bully me just because of my opinions. I’m not a noob to this site either i’ve been here for a LONG time. i’ve only decided to register recently. I don’t care much for your warning as it was n’t warranted.

  1. Actually, not that I was offended or anything, but you did insult me :stuck_out_tongue: You said is was ignorant and mocked me with laughter. Just thought I’d remind you.

  2. My points weren’t valid? Usually, in a debate, when you think your opponent’s points aren’t valid, you don’t refute them with, “OMG STFU Your ignorent!!1!!!” You make counter arguments to show why or how the other person’s arguments are inaccurate or whatever.

  3. For the most part, my arguments weren’t opinion. They were fact. Some were accenuated with opinions, but still remain fact. Your arguments were purely speculation.

No, no, not offended. Sorry, I shoulda stuck an An’jou in there. All in good fun.

Haha… Understood.

You never know these days, with all the tension between “Blue” and “Red” states…

Believe me, I’m not proud to be from a red state, especially Kansas. Still, we’re not all backward hicks. Heck, we’ve elected Dennis Moore about a billion times in a row, that’s got to count for something.

Haha… I know, I know. Even the bluest-of-the-blue-states-California has its share of rednecks. If you actually look at a county breakdown of Califnornia, the areas around San Francisco, LA, and San Diego are deep, deep blue, but everywhere else is red.