No. Their agenda goes beyond that and into the realm of conditioning us to believe that abortion should be a guiltless necessity.
It cheapens life into nothingness.
I don’t want to live in a world where life has no value, and I assume that neither do you.
There have been 45 million abortions performed since Roe v. Wade in the states.
Consequences. The fuse needn’t be lit in the first place, and that is where the focus should be/go.
Safe sex. Sex with 100% reliable contraception. No one should care about abortion clinics losing business.
No sane person is arguing against safe abortion. Obviously, the option needs to remain.
If you kill someone, should you face the consequences? People pull triggers by accident too. What’s the moral of the story? Don’t play with guns. Grow up and be responsible. And even in the extreme case where despite all safety methods used, then I can see a case, but is that most cases?
No, it’s not.
No man in the picture? That’s right: he has no rights. But then, let us assume he’d want it aborted as well for the sake of argument. Because that is convenient for this particular picture.
It’s only a matter of time before 100% temp sterialisation drugs become available via injections to stop the action leading to that consequence.
If something fails and you want an abortion as a “safety net” it will only be seen as another form of contraception for the irresponsible. That should not be the perception set for it.
I tell you what, unless that fetus starts off in the womb where we’d normally find the fetus at 10+ weeks (where it resembles a human being with a nervous system etc), it’s going to have to go through that initial phase and is therefore life.
There’s no way around it.
And yeah, I’d rather see aborticides the day after than full blown abortions. If only to avoid the mental trauma.
People who expect for us and even demand for us to believe that because it’s not alive during that phase it’s therefore open season to hunt it down without any guilt attached, strike me as both logical and devoid of logic at the same time.
If the unborn child started as half grown, would we still turn killing that child into a business like we have now?
Going from amino acids struck by lightening into a sentient species consciously killing its own unborn creations is quite the irony, no?
No, she’s also deciding for the child’s body as well. This is pretty much defined by when the child could survive outside the mother. Give it 50 years and medical science will be able to keep a 1 week old fetus alive and bring it to term.
Is this really, truly, only about the mother? Neither the child nor father have any say at all? This is the pro-choice camp’s conditioning. It’s good I have to admit, but rests on a fallacy (i.e. the child not being a child).
Tbh, that’s not the main point. Abortions are going to happen anyway nowadays, so rather than outright villify it, I say focus on stopping it where it can actually be stopped: with proper education and contraception.
Instead, we recommend abortion at every turn. It really comes down to whether you want to reduce the millions of abortions every year or not. Do we, or don’t we? If we do, then we cannot promote abortion as a first resort. It has to be a last resort and seen that way by everyone so as to make them more responsible rather than lazy.
Regardless, if they do get all their legal rights with civil unions, why go mad over a term so inextricably entangled with religion?
It’s almost petty.
[quote=“Abadd”]No one is taking anything away from anyone. How do you claim gay marriage takes marriage away from religion? What about the religions that have no rules against gays? Are they not allowed to marry?
In fact, why is it that Christians pick that specific item in the Bible and spout it like it absolute, yet ignore a hundred other things. What was it that the New Testament said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”?[/quote]
Leviticus. They use it because it’s the most striking. That’s not the only part of the Bible where homosexuality is put in a bad light. Give me a fundamentalist and I’ll tear their faith apart quite quickly.
The aim here is to take marriage out of the hands of religion and put it solely in the hands of the government. Like I said, if legal entitlements were all they were really worried about, gay couples who I doubt are religious in the first place, then why would they care if the union isn’t called marriage?
Yeah but religion recognises heterosexual couplings and favours promoting them for obvious reasons. Marriage is still closely associated with religion unless someone would like to change that? That appears to be the aim. Secularize marriage so that there are no moral judgements.
It has subtracted religion from the equation. And made marriage a totally secular institution. What’s the point? Why steal marriage from religion when a state union gives the same rights while not taking a part of faith and twisting it to meet an agenda mainstream religion frowns on?
That’s the goal. Why not be content with civil unions? This will not end until there’s acceptance in churchs. So far religion has been painted as interolant but stuck to its guns despite volley after volley after volley fired at it. Why so firm in their belief? Maybe they believe what they are doing is truthful?
[quote=“Abadd”]By “Islamic world,” I suppose you mean the Middle East. Is this a “hey, those people over there are waaaaay worse than we are, so that makes it okay” sort of argument? Because it doesn’t work when far right wingers made the same claims about the abuses the American military were doing in the Middle East, so it sure isn’t going to work in this case.
Christians in California actively stripped people of rights. Gays had the right to marry under California law, and that right has been stripped. It wasn’t a clarification of a law, it was an amendment added to the California Constitution that specifically called out a minority group and took rights away.
If the reason for this is religious, then there are plenty of issues with that. 1) That is unconstitutional as defined by the 2nd Amendment. 2) That sets a precedent for the Christian majority to deny the rights of other religious groups for practices that they see as heretical. 3) If this is to protect the sanctity of marriage as defined by Christianity, where is the movement to outlaw divorce? 4) If this is about “traditional families,” where is the movement to require hetersexual couples to have children?[/quote]
Yes indeed, the Middle East and the 50+ countries still ruled by Sharia law where homosexuals are killed and women are treated like property. And somehow, it’s not a target for criticism, which is hypocrisy at its finest. It’s another irony that one of the real reasons for their burning hatred for the western world are liberal ideas. They’d sooner launch suicide nukecase bombers at us than let it flood into their culture. You cannot under-estimate the zeal of fanatics.
We are just a bit more tolerant. Just a bit. By a bit I mean a few miles more.
But anyway, I gather that civil unions aren’t enough. I’ve spoken to some of the peeps who voted yes on Prop 8. Good honest people who only wanted marriage to be/remain synonymous with the family. And since gay couples can’t have families of their own by impregnating one another, why not keep marriage for promoting heterosexual family units? They are the cornerstone of civilisation and therefore need to be prioritised.
No, I see you are convinced of the truth of it. But you really do need to see things from the opposing point of view as well. In these cases, abortion is viewed as murder and homosexuality is (like it or not) viewed as unnatural. Religion doesn’t even need to enter into it. The viewpoints are pretty much diametrically opposed, and thus irreconcilable, which is a shame because I am sure everyone wants to build a brighter future instead of merely focusing on the pleasures of the here and now, right?
[quote=“Abadd”]This blew my mind. You mean to tell me that the simple act of teaching children that there are homosexuals in the world would brainwash them into thinking they are homosexuals? If you were taught to tolerate gays when you were a child, do you think you would have turned into a homosexual? I’m not being facetious here - I’m just trying to understand why this is such a horrible thing.
I have homosexual friends and our other friends with children have no problem exposing their children to our gay friends. Most children don’t even notice it. And those that do simply ask what’s up with that. The correct way to explain is, “Well, most boys like girls. However, some boys were born liking other boys.” (of course, the girl/girl applies, too.) How is this brain washing? The child will grow up and know which one they are. But if they turn out to be gay, they will know it’s not something to be ashamed of.
There is no push to “advertise” anything. It is simply making children aware of different types of people.[/quote]
Lol dude.
I grew up in poverty totally surrounded by violence. The last thing I ever cared about was tolerating someone’s sexuality. If this is about ensuring that gays are treated equally, then let them be treated equally as people. People. If they are beat up for a hate crime, make sure that violence itself is intolerable.
This only creates divisions when we want and need unity. Do we want to teach five year olds to tolerate fat people too? Sure we do, but specifics are unnecessary. People will always see differences as something to be judged. That is inescapable human nature.
Sexuality is the last thing on a five year old’s mind, if it’s there at all. I personally, remember nothing from that age.
So what you need to do is assume that homosexuality is not meant to be, so why teach it? You wouldn’t want to teach kids how to be pedofiles, would you? People will also always find ways to distance themselves from perceived norms to claim unique identities as their own. Always.
Like it or not, that is how a lot of people see it. Heterosexuality is relegated to an option among many, and that’s not wholesome for a stable future.
For the record, Luther King’s family have been against gay marriage.