Prepare for an expensive next gen game

Of course I do but the actor isn’t using technology to do the animation.It’s like having a guy somewhere playing a MMORPG 24/7 and then beeing astounished at how well conceived the AI was for that NPC.

The magic of virtual worlds is trying to emulate real life trivialities.

And calling an animator an artists is like calling a soccer player an artist.It depends on the prespective.There’s a very thin line between skill and art.

[quote=“Abadd”]Well, I’m just asking in general… In some cases, they already do use facial mo-cap for animations (Enter the Matrix, for example). But, again, that’s simply because it was based on the license.

Sure, actors are exactly what you described, but (most of the time) they’re really good at it. I’d much rather have a professional actor doing the acting, rather than some untrained animator. With CG/animation, the animators are the actors, as they must create the physical reactions and emotions of the characters.

What I don’t get is why most RPGs lack realistic animations. RPGs are supposedly the genre that relies on story the most, yet most RPGs have horrid animations. That’s one thing I give the FF series credit for… too bad the stories suck.[/quote]

What did you think of the facial animations and story in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines btw (a friend of mine who’s a huge fan of the V:TM universe loved everything about this game)? Using the Half Life 2 engine was the game’s greatest source of strength and its single most greatest flaw at the same time (being forced to delay the game until Half Life 2 was released probably hurt the game’s chances of success IMO).

Haven’t actually played it myself, yet, but the technology is amazing. With tools like that, it just makes it that much easier for artists to achieve their goals, however, the animations will still only be as good as the person controlling them. If they’re that good in a game like Vampire, then imagine what they’d be like (theoretically) in the hands of the animators from Pixar? Or a professional actor?