Panzer Dragoon Azel & Zwei Prototypes

I’ll be sending my money at the end of the month when I get paid . Cardiff City going on a epic FA run means I’m skint .

Wembley tickets aren’t cheap

So basically, everyone ponied up a ton of dough to play a version of PDS with glitches and mute cutscenes?

Sounds like money well spent :anjou_sigh:

Surely you weren’t expecting a better game then the actual retail version were you? This is a prototype.

No, but I assume most people donated money to this in the hopes of finding deleted levels or maybe even some more story. Right now, it looks exactly what I thought it would look like: an unfinished PDS.

Hopefully, the other prototypes are more interesting.

I’ll be donating some more when I get paid on the 17th.

I’m curious, these Prototypes are eventually going to be released onto the net for others to witness? Right?

I assume DRX is holding the physical protos, and we are just donating money for him to obtain them?

As for all the people unsure about DRX… his reputation amongst the “rom” community alone should be enough to leave you at ease…

He’s going to do an update on his site later in the week once he’s had a chance to upload them all (releasing them all at once). No doubt someone will post here once that happens.

Prototypes are more often a miss than a hit, but for me it’s always interesting to see the evolution of a game that I enjoy. Sometimes there’s material that wound up getting cut for whatever reason, sometimes the gameplay is a bit different, and sometimes it’s little more than a buggy and incomplete version of the final game. Either way, I think it’s good that they’re unearthed and preserved.

Whenever drx posts the public torrents, I’ll throw up some direct download mirrors to leech from.

My thoughts exactly.

Cool beans,

Some Prototypes I’d really love to see are the Sega Saturn versions of Virtua Fighter 3 and Shenmue, but we know that AM2 will never… ever… ever release any of the data :frowning:

for me, its like if i saw “prototype PDS disks” in my local gamestore for $50 i’d happiliy buy it =)

and yeah, its exactly what roushimsx wrote

Are we still in need of money for this then?

I can ask the lads to help out if need be

This is why I only put in 13 quid. Without any idea what the stuff is going to be like it’s very rash to personally contribute a large amount of money, would have been better if people had waited and publicised for more smaller donations before dumping so much in themselves, in my opinion. But who am I to say, it’s their money and it’s done now.

I still find this kind of stuff interesting though, even when they’re just missing the final polish. Just curious to see the order in which things are put in, which features were afterthoughts.

Fingers crossed for some bigger revelations. OMG PDS HOT COFFEE etc.

I’ll be donating another $50 next week which will make up the difference.

I just donated $15 :slight_smile:

I take it that makes the difference $35 left?


The prototypes have been released ->

Good work everybody!

Don’t we still owe you $35?

Yeah, but I trust you guys =P

Besides, I said I would do it on Thursday.

I have just donated the final $35. Confirmation number: 87R33443VN342454G.