Like they can get gas out of stones, green Coal Tech ECT. It’s all really pie in the skies stuff until it becomes viable. I’m sure I read somewhere scientists have a system that could mean the end of wires and plugs, but again it years off and we’ll be lucky to see it in out life times
It’s widely known and they felt so strongly they reported their findings to the USA President through the 1930’s to the 1960’s .
The Earth’s temperature naturally goes in cycles.[/quote]
Exactly, and how’s to say this one isn’t a natural cycle ?, after all even Mars has been seeing it’s own Climate change and one can hardly blame Man for that.
I don’t think this is quite accurate. [/quote]
It’s taken from NASA’s satellite temperatures readings , and they show from 1998 till 2008 they was no real increase to the earth’s overall temp. Completely at odds with every Computer Model and the Famous Ice Hockey stick scare story.
The best part is there is only 1 authority that collects data and only 4 University’s that are trusted to ‘interpret’ the findings, and one of them loves to delete data and e-mails that doesn’t fit with the Global warming theory. hand the data the over and let everyone look at the ‘untouched’ source data . maybe then some of us sceptics will believe what we’re being told
I’m assuming you trust scientists when it comes to some theories[/quote]
It really depends…After all Nuclear scientists say it’s completely safe, do people trust them, more so now ? . How many so called experts said SARS was going to be a Pandemic ? , same for Bird Fuel - both of which were hopelessly wrong
Same with of our so called experts in the UK and spending billions on tamiflu vaccine , only for more people to die of the bog standard seasonal flue, what experts !
I’m not saying there isn’t any Climate change or that man isn’t helping matters. I just wonder how much we really are to blame, and for the life of me can not see how the likes of Wind farms or Solo Panels are the answers, when both output loads of greenhouses gases during their manufacture, never mind when they are being transported and fitted and then replaced.