Games I'm actually PRAYING will dethrone PDS

[quote=“Lundi”]Mother 3 in terms of narrative, but, really, it’s comparing apples to oranges.

I’m still holding out hope that Nintendo might decide to localize the game, but… I should probably just give up and get the Japanese version. I take it you’ve finished it? Is it as incredible as I hope it is? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I’ve got Lost Odyssey and I’m loving this game , it?s just so beautiful , and the soundtrack is one of the best I?ve ever had the pleasure to hear in a awful long Time, its just utter brilliance

Here’s one of the best bit of musics scores I’ve ever had the pleasure to hear , right up therw with the camping music on Saga

Mother 3 is a game that actually touched me at times. Very few, if any, games do that. I suggest waiting for the fan translation to be finished since they’re about halfway through the main hacking stuff. After that’s done, it’s just bug testing and script revision, which should ideally go quickly.

@Lundi: Glad to hear that. I’ll just wait for them to finish the translation up then!

@TA: I’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying LO. I’ve been excited for the game for a long time. The dev team is made up of roughly 40 ex-Nautilus members, and considering how much I LOVE Shadow Hearts: Covenant and Shadow Hearts: From the New World (especially Covenant) I knew it would be a game I couldn’t miss. Thanks for uploading that piece. It’s one that I haven’t heard in any pre-release materials, and it’s pretty cool. Some of the mid-way instrumentation seems vaguely Digital Devil Saga-ish, which is wonderful to me.