Bad news for Sega fans

It IS he’s right if he wants that.

But I think you judged Geoff too harshly on that point Abadd.He has the standard concern for Sega right now - that beeing bought by Sammy will change it’s policy to an even rusher (sp?) state.

I don’t think I did.

He makes a claim that has no basis in fact, and is actually quite the opposite.

He has been the one person on this board that has consistently complained about how Sega has been handling its development, and now that there is an opportunity for change, he is complaining about that as well.

I just don’t know what it would take to make him happy.

Maybe he’s source isn’t exactly correct.I doubt Geoofrey would make a claimed such as that if he had no possible idea about it.

PS:People can complain about sega surelly?


And you know this how, exactly? Please provide proof. If you can’t, stop making BS claims.[/quote]

I think this is the source:

Ah shit.

I many ways this is the final nail in the coffin, if the Mega CD was the first…

Well I admit, some of Sega’s past decisions haven’t earned my respect, and I have every right to complain about what I perceive to be an injustice. I’m a Sega fan but I won’t belittle, defend, or ignore Sega’s mistakes.

All I’ve ever complained about with regards to Sega was how it handled the Saturn (you’ll hear no end of complaints from me about that), and the early demise of the Dreamcast. It was unfortunate that Sega was left with no other choice but to become a third party developer, but understandable nonetheless.

I’ve since complained about Sega’s hardware strategy: I’d rather see Sega adopt a multi-platform approach towards as many games as possible rather than confine most of them to Sony’s Playstation 2 – a console that almost put Sega out of business.

Sega’s handling of the Shining series could’ve been better, but the two new Playstation 2 games should help Sega redeem itself if things go well.

Other than that, Sega has made some “sound” decisions and has made some great games. As long as the company lives, in both body and soul, I wish Sega all the success in the world.


And you know this how, exactly? Please provide proof. If you can’t, stop making BS claims.
I think this is the source:[/quote]

Here too:

“Speaking to Bloomberg Japan, Sammy president and CEO Hajime Satomi has indicated that he wants Sega to go back to concentrating more on the arcade side of things and therefore pour less money into what he termed ‘loss-making’ home console releases”.

Excellent rebuttal, Geoffrey :slight_smile:

However, those comments from Satomi-san were later attributed to a bad translation. He said that he wanted Sega to reinforce its arcade business because that’s where it got its money from, but he also later stated that he believed Sega needed to re-establish itself in the console market as a dominant player.

Trust me on this one. Sega is not going to pull out of the console business.

A bad translation? You wouldn’t believe the number of Sega fans who are dreading this Sammy takeover/merger. Hopefully all the facts will emerge in due time.

I agree that Sega needs to return to a dominent position in the marketplace. I’d like to see Sega teach Square-Enix how to make an RPG, but that’s just me.

Square Enix used to know how to make a good RPG. Now, all they want to to do is make movies.

I personally think this move is for the better. I may be proven horribly wrong in the future, but I highly doubt it.

(directed at Geoff’s last statement) : I wouldn’t.Less they started doing better RPG’s than Sega :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, would there have been any difference if the first attempt at a merger between Sega and Sammy had been successful? Most of the plans they had back then seem to be the same they have now.

I believe things will continue on schedule for the time being, however if future titles do not do well, then I think drastic changes will occur.

Which is funny considering how well Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within did. :wink:

I figure I’ll take a wait and see approach with Sega being bought by Sammy. After all, Blizzard is owned by Vivendi and they’ve been able to run around on a pretty long leash.

If it had not been for Sega’s previous majority owner, CSK (the previous owner of the 22.4% Sammy bought), Sega would not exist. The late Isao Okawa forgave Sega’s debts (millions upon millions) to him and returned the stocks he held in the company (worth a ton) while he was dying in 2000. Read The Ultimate History of Video Games by Steven Kent for more. To me, it looked like Sammy was puling Sega off life support back in 2000. God I wish Sega could’ve merged with Namco instead.