Another PC gaming gem worth playing: Samorost 2!

I bought it new for $18, so I’d say you made out about as well as anyone could hope, legaia! :anjou_happy:

Which version of the game did you purchase: GC, PC, PS2, or XB?

I purchased the PS2 version over the Xbox version (slightly better graphics) because I heard it had the best control layout.

Yeah, there’s not much difference between the versions. The PS2 version was the first version I played, because I just really love its controller. That’s obviously a matter of personal preference. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the visual end of things, the PS2 version is the “inferior” of all of them. Calling it “inferior” isn’t much of an insult, though, as the game is just gorgeous regardless. Still, it is a game of little details, and there are some little details that are much clearer on the Xbox than on the PS2. The PS2 version doesn’t feel quite as smooth as the other versions. Either way, it all comes down to personal preference, and you can’t really go wrong with any of the versions! :anjou_happy:

I’ve been playing Beyond Good and Evil now for a few days, and all I can say is: WOW! I can’t believe I never played this game sooner. The world and characters feel so alive. The game is just pure fun, sneaking around taking pictures to reveal a conspiracy, hover boat racing, finding and taking pictures of every animal. The game is truly a gem.

Some of those animals are a pain in the butt because they disappear too fast on you. Don’t forget to take pictures of the (nonhumanoid) enemies, too.

You might want to strap yourself to your chair when you get close to the end. The cliffhanger ending may just make you fall out of your seat.

Other than that, great game. Definitely one of my top tens.

Glad to hear you’re enjoying BGE! :anjou_happy: The game is amazing and, yes, has definitely found its home in my all-time top ten!

Be sure to make a back-up save file at the start of the game’s final area (you’ll know when you get there). There is a glitch that exists in the level that very, very few people have experienced on any of the consoles, but it does exist and IS game-breaking. I was one of the unlucky few to experience it, and had to delete my file and replay the game. Not that it was too much of a problem, because I find the game to be so enjoyable, but it’s the principle of the thing. :stuck_out_tongue: So be absolutely sure to keep a back-up file there, just in case! In all likelihood you’ll have no problems, but just to be safe.

Thanks for the warning, I’ll be sure to make 2 save files. I’ll let you know more of my impression of the game once I beat it! :anjou_happy:

Nobody warned me about the game breaker in Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay SPOILER warning ahead. I just beat the game. I must say: it was one hell of an adventure! Who thought the chases through the city with action packed slow motion were just simply awesome? I did!

I would just like to ask people who played the game what they think about the ending? What are your thoughts on how it concluded?

So, Jade was some kind of ultimate Domz power connected to the Domz Priest (actually she was a part of the Domz Priest and was somehow changed into a human). She had the power of life within her. I was kind of puzzled at the end when the Domz Priest holds his hands under Jade and sort of rises her up in an affectionate manner. Immediately after it is obvious that Jade resurrected all the kidnapped citizens, but after defeating the Domz Priest, did Jades power somehow change him into a being of kindness?

Also, after the credits it seems Jade has gone missing (much like Edge :anjou_happy: ) and we get a glimpse of Pay’je at the lighthouse. Somehow he has become infected with the same Domz device Double H was infected with. Was this a last ditch effort for the Domz Priest to ensure his survival, if he were to perish? There are so many questions that need to be answered. I hope the rumor about the development of the second game is true. We need BG&E 2!

Oh, Alucard von Elru what exactly was the game breaking glitch in the final area? I am just curious as to what caused your game to become broken.

I think I would be better if I made a new topic soley about this game.